Simple utility trait extensions for tendermint-rpc and cosmrs.
This crate is in very early development. It is not recommended for use in production. I am currently using this specifically for development purposes for other projects.
The goal of this crate is to provide simple utility methods for interacting with tendermint_rpc.
Forked from cosm-tome, but with an emphasis on easier maintenance and a more modular approach.
features | Dev Status |
tendermint 0.34 | ✅ |
tendermint 0.37 | ✅ |
automatic tendermint version negotiation | ✅ |
Backing API | Dev Status |
Tendermint RPC HTTP/S | ✅ |
Tendermint RPC Websocket | ✅ |
Cosmos Module | Dev Status |
Auth | ✅ |
Authz | 🚫 |
Bank | ✅ |
Tendermint | 🔨 |
Crisis | 🚫 |
Distribution | 🚫 |
Evidence | 🚫 |
Feegrant | 🚫 |
Gov | 🚫 |
Mint | 🚫 |
Params | 🚫 |
Slashing | 🚫 |
Staking | 🚫 |
Tx | 🔨 |
Upgrade | 🚫 |
Vesting | 🚫 |
CosmWasm | 🔨 |
IBC | 🚫 |
Simply import the prelude
and use the provided methods directly on a supported client.
// bring traits into scope
use std::str::FromStr;
use cosm_utils::{
coin::{Coin, Denom},
api::{BankCommit, BankQuery},
signing_key::key::{Key, SigningKey},
use tendermint_rpc::{Client, HttpClient, WebSocketClient};
// Get you're relevant info
// Here are some examples of what that could look like
let mnemonic = "clump subway install trick split fiction mixed hundred much lady loyal crime fuel wrap book loud mammal plunge round penalty cereal desert essence chuckle";
let address = "cosmos1ya34jc44vvqzdhmwnfhkax7v4l3sj3stkwy9h5";
let key = SigningKey {
name: "test".to_string(),
key: Key::Mnemonic(mnemonic.to_string()),
let chain_cfg = ChainConfig {
denom: "uatom".to_string(),
prefix: "cosmos".to_string(),
chain_id: "cosmoshub-4".to_string(),
derivation_path: "m/44'/118'/0'/0/0".to_string(),
gas_price: 0.025f64,
gas_adjustment: 1.3f64,
let req = SendRequest {
from: Address::from_str(address).unwrap(),
to: Address::from_str(address).unwrap(),
amounts: vec![Coin {
denom: Denom::from_str(chain_cfg.denom.as_str()).unwrap(),
amount: 1u128,
let tx_options = TxOptions::default();
// Create your client as usual
let rpc_endpoint = "http://localhost:26657";
let client = HttpClient::new(rpc_endpoint).unwrap();
// Then use the provided methods
let res = client
.bank_send_commit(&chain_cfg, req, &key, &tx_options)