A nextflow pipeline for Ne estimates with bootstrapping
This pipeline is an attempt to call NeEstimator2 by bootstrapping individuals from a plink binary file. You require both nextflow and singularity (or docker) configured in order to call this pipeline properly
Simply type:
nextflow run cnr-ibba/nf-neestimator -resume -profile singularity --prefix <plink file prefix>
where the --prefix
parameter is the same prefix you would pass as plink --bfile
This pipeline is configured for bootstrapping 10, 20 and 100 individuals 1000 times. If you need to customize the bootstrapping, you can create a custom configuration file like this:
params {
prefix = '<plink file prefix>'
steps = 50
individuals = [10, 20, 30]
Add then provide this custom configuration file with the nextflow -config
parameter. See configuration file
in the nexflow documentation for more information