This is an Editor Plugin for Adventure Game Studio (AGS), allowing all game elements and raw assets to be exported.
The intended use for this is as the first stage of conversion of AGS games to the Cross-Platform Adventure Game Engine (XAGE), however is generic enough to be used for other purposes.
Copy the following binaries to the AGS Editor executable directory:
- AGS.Plugin.ExportToXAGE.dll
- [OPTIONAL] potrace.exe and mkbitmap.exe from the Potrace website. These are not included due to a restrictive license (GPL) however can be obtained here and will ensure walkable areas are vectorised.
- [OPTIONAL] ffmpeg.exe - again not included due to a restrictive license (GPL) - can be downloaded here and will ensure all audio is converted to .ogg.
After restarting AGS, a new option should appear on the toolbar, 'Export -> Prepare game for XAGE':
If you have explicitly specified an output directory, you'll then be able to see the exported files.
Converting these exported files into an XAGE project will be detailed here.
Requires Visual Studio and NET 3.5. AGS.Types.dll has been included in the repository for convenience.
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the file for details.
- Denzil Quixode for his initial work on the XML Export code - see this thread.
- Peter Selinger for Potrace.
- BitSetsNet for RoaringBitset.
- Plus numerous people who have contributed their AGS game source code to help improve the quality of the conversion process.
Debugging not currently easy - probably needs a logger to both display and write progress to a file in order to more easily identify export issues.
In later versions of AGS, if you encounter an loadFromRemoteSources error, then update the AGSEditor.config.exe file to include the following:
<runtime> <loadFromRemoteSources enabled="true" /> </runtime>