Play Framework server for alcohol consumption management app.
- Create new branch
- Commit changes often to your branch
- Submit a pull request when all your changes are ready to be merged
- Someone else should review and accept the pull request
Clone Repo
git clone <GitHub url>
Checkout New Branch
Create new branch on GitHub.
git checkout -b dev // Creates new branch locally
git branch --set-upstream-to=origin/<branch_name> <branch_name> //links local branch to remote branch
Pull Remote Changes
git pull
Add New File to Branch Locally
git add <file_name>
Add All New Files to Branch Locally
git add -A
Commit Changes Locally
git commit -m "commit message"
Push Changes to Remote Branch
git push
- Install Git
- Install MYSQL server and MYSQWorkbench
- Install IntelliJ
- Add SBT plugin to IntelliJ
- In terminal: git clone
- Open Intellij
- import project from existing model
- sbt
- select the folder where the project is cloned
##Sample Instance