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Put window-specific callbacks into Termonad.Window
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cdepillabout committed Nov 19, 2023
1 parent 4304a2b commit c538768
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Showing 2 changed files with 126 additions and 183 deletions.
159 changes: 38 additions & 121 deletions src/Termonad/App.hs
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Expand Up @@ -4,9 +4,8 @@ module Termonad.App where

import Termonad.Prelude

import Control.Lens ((^.), set, ix)
import Control.Lens ((^.))
import Data.FileEmbed (embedFile)
import Data.FocusList (updateFocusFL)
import qualified Data.Text as Text
import Data.Text.Encoding (encodeUtf8)
import GI.Gdk (screenGetDefault)
Expand All @@ -25,6 +24,7 @@ import GI.Gtk
( Application
, ApplicationWindow(ApplicationWindow)
, Box(Box)
, Notebook
, ResponseType(ResponseTypeNo, ResponseTypeYes)
, applicationAddWindow
Expand All @@ -47,8 +47,6 @@ import GI.Gtk
, notebookNew
, notebookSetShowBorder
, onNotebookPageRemoved
, onNotebookPageReordered
, onNotebookSwitchPage
, onWidgetDeleteEvent
, setWidgetMargin
, styleContextAddProviderForScreen
Expand All @@ -63,44 +61,29 @@ import GI.Gtk
, windowSetTransientFor
import qualified GI.Gtk as Gtk
import GI.Vte
( terminalCopyClipboard
, terminalPasteClipboard
import Termonad.Gtk (appNew, imgToPixbuf, objFromBuildUnsafe)
import Termonad.Keys (handleKeyPress)
import Termonad.Lenses
( lensConfirmExit
, lensOptions
, lensShowMenu
, lensTMNotebookTabs
, lensTMNotebookTabTerm
, lensTMStateApp
, lensTMStateConfig
, lensTerm
, lensTMStateWindows, lensTMWindowNotebook
import Termonad.Preferences (showPreferencesDialog)
import Termonad.Term
( createTerm
, termNextPage
, termPrevPage
, termExitFocused
, setShowTabs
import Termonad.Term (createTerm, setShowTabs)
import Termonad.Types
( TMConfig
, TMState
, TMState'
, TMWindowId
, createFontDescFromConfig
, getFocusedTermFromState
, getTMNotebookFromTMState'
, modFontSize
, newEmptyTMState
, tmNotebookTabs
import Termonad.XML (interfaceText, menuText)
import Termonad.Window (doFind, findAbove, findBelow, showAboutDialog, notebookPageReorderedCallback, modifyFontSizeForAllTerms)
import Termonad.Window (showAboutDialog, modifyFontSizeForAllTerms, setupWindowCallbacks)

setupScreenStyle :: IO ()
setupScreenStyle = do
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -207,75 +190,20 @@ forceQuit mvarTMState = do
let app = tmState ^. lensTMStateApp
applicationQuit app

setupTermonad :: TMConfig -> Application -> ApplicationWindow -> Gtk.Builder -> IO ()
setupTermonad tmConfig app win builder = do
box <- objFromBuildUnsafe builder "content_box" Box
fontDesc <- createFontDescFromConfig tmConfig
note <- notebookNew
widgetSetCanFocus note False
-- If this is not set to False, then there will be a one pixel white border
-- shown around the notebook.
notebookSetShowBorder note False
boxPackStart box note True True 0

(mvarTMState, tmWinId) <- newEmptyTMState tmConfig app win note fontDesc
terminal <- createTerm handleKeyPress mvarTMState tmWinId

void $ onNotebookPageRemoved note $ \_ _ -> do
pages <- notebookGetNPages note
if pages == 0
then forceQuit mvarTMState
else setShowTabs tmConfig note

void $ onNotebookSwitchPage note $ \_ pageNum -> do
modifyMVar_ mvarTMState $ \tmState -> do
tmNote <- getTMNotebookFromTMState' tmState tmWinId
let tabs = tmNotebookTabs tmNote
maybeNewTabs = updateFocusFL (fromIntegral pageNum) tabs
case maybeNewTabs of
Nothing -> pure tmState
Just (tab, newTabs) -> do
widgetGrabFocus $ tab ^. lensTMNotebookTabTerm . lensTerm
pure $
(lensTMStateWindows . ix tmWinId . lensTMWindowNotebook . lensTMNotebookTabs)

void $ onNotebookPageReordered note $ \childWidg pageNum ->
notebookPageReorderedCallback mvarTMState tmWinId childWidg pageNum

setupAppCallbacks :: TMState -> TMConfig -> Application -> ApplicationWindow -> Notebook -> TMWindowId -> IO ()
setupAppCallbacks mvarTMState tmConfig app win note tmWinId = do
newWindowAction <- simpleActionNew "newwin" Nothing
void $ onSimpleActionActivate newWindowAction $ \_ ->
pure ()
-- void $ createTerm handleKeyPress mvarTMState tmWinId
actionMapAddAction app newWindowAction
applicationSetAccelsForAction app "app.newwin" ["<Shift><Ctrl>N"]

newTabAction <- simpleActionNew "newtab" Nothing
void $ onSimpleActionActivate newTabAction $ \_ ->
void $ createTerm handleKeyPress mvarTMState tmWinId
actionMapAddAction win newTabAction
applicationSetAccelsForAction app "win.newtab" ["<Shift><Ctrl>T"]

nextPageAction <- simpleActionNew "nextpage" Nothing
void $ onSimpleActionActivate nextPageAction $ \_ ->
termNextPage mvarTMState tmWinId
actionMapAddAction win nextPageAction
applicationSetAccelsForAction app "win.nextpage" ["<Ctrl>Page_Down"]

prevPageAction <- simpleActionNew "prevpage" Nothing
void $ onSimpleActionActivate prevPageAction $ \_ ->
termPrevPage mvarTMState tmWinId
actionMapAddAction win prevPageAction
applicationSetAccelsForAction app "win.prevpage" ["<Ctrl>Page_Up"]

closeTabAction <- simpleActionNew "closetab" Nothing
void $ onSimpleActionActivate closeTabAction $ \_ ->
termExitFocused mvarTMState tmWinId
actionMapAddAction win closeTabAction
applicationSetAccelsForAction app "win.closetab" ["<Shift><Ctrl>W"]
void $ onNotebookPageRemoved note $ \_ _ -> do
pages <- notebookGetNPages note
if pages == 0
then forceQuit mvarTMState
else setShowTabs tmConfig note

quitAction <- simpleActionNew "quit" Nothing
void $ onSimpleActionActivate quitAction $ \_ -> do
Expand All @@ -284,20 +212,6 @@ setupTermonad tmConfig app win builder = do
actionMapAddAction app quitAction
applicationSetAccelsForAction app "app.quit" ["<Shift><Ctrl>Q"]

copyAction <- simpleActionNew "copy" Nothing
void $ onSimpleActionActivate copyAction $ \_ -> do
maybeTerm <- getFocusedTermFromState mvarTMState tmWinId
maybe (pure ()) terminalCopyClipboard maybeTerm
actionMapAddAction win copyAction
applicationSetAccelsForAction app "win.copy" ["<Shift><Ctrl>C"]

pasteAction <- simpleActionNew "paste" Nothing
void $ onSimpleActionActivate pasteAction $ \_ -> do
maybeTerm <- getFocusedTermFromState mvarTMState tmWinId
maybe (pure ()) terminalPasteClipboard maybeTerm
actionMapAddAction win pasteAction
applicationSetAccelsForAction app "win.paste" ["<Shift><Ctrl>V"]

preferencesAction <- simpleActionNew "preferences" Nothing
void $ onSimpleActionActivate preferencesAction (const $ showPreferencesDialog mvarTMState)
actionMapAddAction app preferencesAction
Expand All @@ -314,33 +228,10 @@ setupTermonad tmConfig app win builder = do
actionMapAddAction app reduceFontAction
applicationSetAccelsForAction app "app.reducefont" ["<Ctrl>minus"]

findAction <- simpleActionNew "find" Nothing
void $ onSimpleActionActivate findAction $ \_ -> doFind mvarTMState tmWinId
actionMapAddAction win findAction
applicationSetAccelsForAction app "win.find" ["<Shift><Ctrl>F"]

findAboveAction <- simpleActionNew "findabove" Nothing
void $ onSimpleActionActivate findAboveAction $ \_ -> findAbove mvarTMState tmWinId
actionMapAddAction win findAboveAction
applicationSetAccelsForAction app "win.findabove" ["<Shift><Ctrl>P"]

findBelowAction <- simpleActionNew "findbelow" Nothing
void $ onSimpleActionActivate findBelowAction $ \_ -> findBelow mvarTMState tmWinId
actionMapAddAction win findBelowAction
applicationSetAccelsForAction app "win.findbelow" ["<Shift><Ctrl>I"]

aboutAction <- simpleActionNew "about" Nothing
void $ onSimpleActionActivate aboutAction $ \_ -> showAboutDialog win
actionMapAddAction app aboutAction

menuBuilder <- builderNewFromString menuText $ fromIntegral (Text.length menuText)
menuModel <- objFromBuildUnsafe menuBuilder "menubar" MenuModel
applicationSetMenubar app (Just menuModel)
let showMenu = tmConfig ^. lensOptions . lensShowMenu
applicationWindowSetShowMenubar win showMenu

windowSetTitle win "Termonad"

-- This event will happen if the user requests that the top-level Termonad
-- window be closed through their window manager. It will also happen
-- normally when the user tries to close Termonad through normal methods,
Expand All @@ -356,6 +247,32 @@ setupTermonad tmConfig app win builder = do
ResponseTypeYes -> False
_ -> True

setupTermonad :: TMConfig -> Application -> ApplicationWindow -> Gtk.Builder -> IO ()
setupTermonad tmConfig app win builder = do
box <- objFromBuildUnsafe builder "content_box" Box
fontDesc <- createFontDescFromConfig tmConfig
note <- notebookNew
widgetSetCanFocus note False
-- If this is not set to False, then there will be a one pixel white border
-- shown around the notebook.
notebookSetShowBorder note False
boxPackStart box note True True 0

(mvarTMState, tmWinId) <- newEmptyTMState tmConfig app win note fontDesc
terminal <- createTerm handleKeyPress mvarTMState tmWinId

setupAppCallbacks mvarTMState tmConfig app win note tmWinId
setupWindowCallbacks mvarTMState app win note tmWinId

menuBuilder <- builderNewFromString menuText $ fromIntegral (Text.length menuText)
menuModel <- objFromBuildUnsafe menuBuilder "menubar" MenuModel
applicationSetMenubar app (Just menuModel)
let showMenu = tmConfig ^. lensOptions . lensShowMenu
applicationWindowSetShowMenubar win showMenu

windowSetTitle win "Termonad"

widgetShowAll win
widgetGrabFocus $ terminal ^. lensTerm

Expand Down

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