D-Bus Binding for Python utilizing the Python's asyncio module.
- Python >= 3.7
- libsystemd >= 232 (don’t need systemd, just libsystemd which is a separate package)
- Cython >= 0.25.2
- To build in place for development python ./setup.py build_ext --inplace
- The html documents are stored in gh-pages branch, so that GitHub will serve them as a GitHub Pages. To build them: 1. check out the gh-pages branch into ../python-adbus/html 2. cd into docs 3. sphinx-apidoc -o source/ ../adbus 4. make html
NOTE: Some test-cases require the busctl tool from systemd.
- To run a specific unit-test from the root directory (eg.):
python -m unittest tests.test\_sdbus\_method.Test.test\_method\_single\_str
- To run a specific unit-test module from the root directory (eg.):
python -m unittest tests.test\_sdbus\_method
- To run all unit-tests from the root directory:
This is an example of an object, which can be connected to a service.
import adbus
import typing
class ExampleClass(adbus.server.Object):
signal1: int = adbus.server.Signal()
signal2: typing.List[int] = adbus.server.Signal()
property1: str = adbus.server.Property('none', read_only=True, hidden=True)
property2: typing.List[int] = adbus.server.Property(['rr', 'ff'], deprecated=True)
def __init__(self, service):
super().__init__(service, path='/xxx/yyy', interface='yyy.xxx')
@adbus.server.method(name='test', hidden=True)
def test_method(self, r: int, gg: str) -> int:
return r + 10
def do_something(self):
It's possible to set multiple properties at the same time, this will defer the property update signal, and send one signal for all property changes. It's good practice to use this when changing multiple properties, it will reduce traffic on the D-Bus.
NOTE: Must be running in a loop.
It's possible to map a remote interface to a local instantiated class using a Proxy.
If the even loop isn't running no signals will caught, and properties will not cache (i.e. will read on every access instead of tracking the property changes signals)
The proxy opbject must be saved for as long as you want to activily receive signals. If the proxy object is garbage collected it will no longer receive signals and it won't forward them to a watcher.
service = adbus.Service(bus='session')
proxy = adbus.client.Proxy(service, 'com.example.xxx', '/com/example/Service1',
async def proxy_examples():
await proxy.update() # initialize the proxy
# == Access Properties
await proxy.remote_propertyX.set(45)
print(await proxy.remote_propertyY.get())
# == or
await proxy.remote_propertyX(45)
print(await proxy.remote_propertyY())
# == Access Methods
asyncio.ensure_future(proxy.remote_method_foo("some info")) # don't wait for result
x = await proxy.remote_method_bar(100, 12, -45) # wait for result
# == Add a Coroutine to a Signal
async def local_method(signal_data: int):
# == or
# == Remove a Coroutine to a Signal
# == or (if already added)
# == Access a method using a different interface name
# == Create a new proxy from a node in the proxy
proxy_new = await proxy('Test')
# == Loop through all nodes in a proxy
sum_cnt = 0
async for node in proxy:
sum_cnt += await node.count
except AttributeError:
# == set multiple properties in one message (if linked to an adbus based server)
async with proxy as p:
p.property1 = "some data"
p.property2 = [1,2,3,4,5]
loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
For a consistent style all code is updated using yapf with the following options:
- yapf --recursive --verbose --in-place --no-local-style
- --style="{dedent_closing_brackets: True, continuation_indent_width: 8, split_complex_comprehension: True}" <filename>