Native database written in Swift for iOS, macOS and watchOS.
- Minimum maintenance
- Frictionless migration
- Bullet proof
- Codable
- Combine
- Functional queries
- Swift Package Manager
- iOS 13+
- macOS 10.15+
- watchOS 6+
Point Swift Package Manager to this repository
import Balam
Load or create a new database
let balam = Balam("MyDb")
Add a Codable Struct to the database
let myStruct = MyStruct()
Get all items of a type
var subscription: AnyCancellable?
func getItems() {
subscription = balam.get(MyStruct.self).sink { items in
items is an array with all items of type MyStruct.
Balam guaranties to send this array once, if no item was
found the array will be empty.
From here you can apply any transformation or function
to items: map, filter, sort, ...