A Java Client Library for RedisJSON
This client provides access to RedisJSON's Redis API, and provides back-and-forth serialization between Java's and its objects.
This project is currently WIP and the interface may change. Also note that only the core RedisJSON commands are supported at the moment.
1. Clone it: `git clone [email protected]:RedisJSON/JRedisJSON.git`
2. `cd JRedisJSON`
3. `mvn clean install -Dmaven.test.skip=true`
import redis.clients.jedis.Jedis;
import com.redislabs.modules.rejson.JReJSON;
// First get a connection
JReJSON client = new JReJSON("localhost", 6379);
// Setting a Redis key name _foo_ to the string _"bar"_, and reading it back
client.set("foo", "bar");
String s0 = (String) client.get("foo");
// Omitting the path (usually) defaults to the root path, so the call above to
// `get()` and the following ones // are basically interchangeable
String s1 = (String) client.get("foo", new Path("."));
String s2 = (String) client.get("foo", Path.ROOT_PATH);
// Any Gson-able object can be set and updated
client.set("obj", new Object()); // just an empty object
client.set("obj", null, new Path(".zilch"));
Path p = new Path(".whatevs");
client.set("obj", true, p);
client.set("obj", 42, p);
client.del("obj", p); // back to almost nothing
Please use this repository's issue tracker to submit issues and pull requests.