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Releases: bu-ist/responsive-foundation

3.2.4 Bug fix #269 Profile Advanced layout styles

08 Feb 15:14
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Fixes #269 in 3.2.3 by increasing the specificity of the .profile-item-advanced medium breakpoint styles that clear the floats.

Full Changelog: 3.2.3...3.2.4


05 Jan 19:52
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5.0.0-alpha.0 Pre-release
  • Fixes #235
  • Removes BU Default Icons
  • Adds FontAwesome Free and FontAwesome Brands
  • Adds a new variable, $font-weight-icon, to control which set of FontAwesome icons loads
  • $widget-title-link-after has been deprecated in favor of $widget-title-link-icon
  • Removes pre-IE9 support for icons, per FontAwesome standard.
  • Moves to Github Packages for releases.
  • Renames tools-cgb to tools-webpack.
  • Reorganizes foundation into burf-base, burf-theme, burf-tools, and a new burf-customizations
  • Migrates the following partials from burf-theme to burf-customizations:
    • content/collapsibles;
    • content/courses;
    • profiles/profile-format-default;
    • profiles/profile-format-basic;
    • profiles/profile-format-advanced;
    • profiles/profile-format-mini;
    • content/slideshows;
    • calendar/widget-calendar;
    • calendar/calendar-picker;
    • layout/branding;
    • calendar/calendar-archive;
    • profiles/profile-archive;
    • calendar/calendar-single;
    • profiles/profile-single;
    • bulp/bulp-base;
  • Migrates the following partials from burf-base to burf-customizations:
    • fonts;

4.0.1 - Security updates

23 Apr 20:06
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Periodic security updates. Also removes two unused packages: sass-lint and grunt-sassdoc, which has been replaced with grunt-kss.


01 Feb 20:42
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Full Changelog: 3.2.2...3.2.3

4.0.0 - CSS Grid and Styleguides

19 Sep 21:20
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This release adds official support for CSS Grid to Responsive Foundation, along with dynamically generated styleguide support.

  • Adds CSS Grid support to the grid, with an automatic fallback to floats
    for unsupported browsers.
  • Adds support for color stops to the linear gradient mixin. New syntax:
    @include linear-gradient(to right, #E47D7D 0%, #C195D3 50%, #4FB4E8 100%);
  • Ensures BU Hub required icons are always output, even if you turn icons off.
  • Adds a skip link mixin and moves styles to the accessibility partial.
  • Fixes #208
  • Adds support for KSS documentation and officially switches us from SassDoc

Medium and Rhett Icon Support

19 Jun 15:01
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Adds Medium, Medium Alt, and Rhett support to default icons.

3.2.11 - Update BU Default Icons support

14 May 19:59
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Fixes missing support for several BU Default Icons:

  • Skype/Skype Alt
  • Telegram/Telegram Alt
  • WeChat/WeChat Alt
  • WhatsApp/WhatsApp Alt

3.2.1: Updated single event field styling

02 Apr 14:23
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Refactors styling targeting Framework's single event view on the calendar template, so custom fields + standard fields can be styled the same way without very specific selectors.

3.2.0: new sass mixins, es6 functionality, autoprefixer, linting

05 Mar 14:37
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This marks a pretty big release for Foundation.

Some great new mixins have been added. One of which is the accessible-text() mixin that will return compliant text colors given a background color to ensure a quality reading experience for all users. Another mixin that was added as an aspect-ratio mixin that will take a width and height parameter and automatically create styles that will make elements' dimensions flexible when resized and maintain their aspect ratio (4:3, 16:9, etc.).

There was quite a large overhaul on JavaScript portion to aid in maintenance and modern best practices. Authors now have the ability to write in the latest flavors of JavaScript (es6+), which babel will transpile down to plain es5. Browserify then bundles the es5 together and polyfills the usage of require. This allows authors to divide up JavaScript functionality into smaller chunked files, which can be imported into a root file via import.

Coding standards have been improved for both JavaScript and Sass due to the latest @wordpress/eslint-plugin and grunt-sasslint packages. These tools offer ways to autofix code so that usage of tabs, punctuation, and syntax is consistently applied.

Concrete browser support is now added in package.json under the browserslist key. See and the Foundation PR #210 for more information.

Among these new features, there were also a few bug fixes/updates applied in this release:

  • _tools-cgb.scss was updated with new icons implementation introduced in version 3.1.0.
  • Improved styling to Edit links in burf-theme.
  • Several packages were updated to latest to reduce warnings of security vulnerabilities on NPM install.

Complete changelog is listed below.


  • Adds grunt-postcss and autoprefixer.
  • Adds a helper aspect-ratio mixin.
  • Adds a new function, accessible-text(), which returns WCAG 2.0-compliant
    text colors when given a background color and desired text color.
  • Adds es6 functionality via a variety of npm packages and Gruntfile
    • grunt-browserify: Provides ability to use require for separating files into
      modules. Polyfills require for the browser.
    • babelify: Provides a transform for browserify so we can leverage
      import and export features that will transpile into something
      browserify can interpret for the browser.
    • @babel/core: Required babel library for babelify package.
    • @babel/preset-env: The recommended "smart" preset for configuring babel
      to take advantage of latest es6 features.
    • grunt-contrib-uglify: For minifying the resulting es5 code from
      browserify, and providing source maps.
    • browserify-shim: makes CommonJS incompatible files browserifyable (files
      that don’t support require from the CommonJS module syntax). This
      includes things like our version of jQuery, but can be extended for any
      library that cannot be included using latest es6 sytax style import
      statements. Shims are specified in package.json
    • eslint, @wordpress/eslint-plugin, eslint-plugin-import,
      eslint-plugin-jsx-a11y, eslint-plugin-react: For code climate and
      text editors to lint and autofix their code.
    • grunt-contrib-clean: Clears contents of directories for new compiled
      files to reside in, so that old irrelevant files don't stick around.
  • Adds grunt-sass-lint for separate grunt sasslint task.
  • Adds browserslist to package.json so front-end tooling packages like babel
    and autoprefixer can share the same configurations
    for browser support.
  • Adds .eslint configuration file
  • Adds theme.js in the js-dev directory. This acts as an entry point for all
    modules such as toggle.js to be imported into.
  • Refactors Gruntfile.js and toggle.js to be written in es6
  • Updates sassdoc to take advantage of latest js workflow changes.
  • Adds browserify-shim to allow import of global version of jQuery that should
    already exist on the page.
  • Fixes broken paths in imports of sass partials.
  • Updates codeclimate to use eslint-5 and sass-lint instead of scss-lint which
    will eventually be deprecated or will not support latest sass features.
  • Adds .sasslintrc for grunt sasslint command and code climate.
  • Adds missing bs-html-injector package for the browserSync task.
  • Updates dependencies to resolve warnings about security vulnerabilities.
  • Updates _tools-cgb.scss with new icons implementation introduced in version
  • Adds improved styling to Edit links throughout burf-theme.

3.1.0: Mega Navigation and Tools Support

08 Jan 20:36
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  • Replaces grunt-contrib-sass with grunt-sass (uses node-sass under the hood)
  • Uses full path to node modules depenencies, rather than depending on loadPath
  • Small bugfixes when trying to compile sass locally in this repo, due to
    incorrect paths.
  • Add a new partial, burf-tools, for minimal uses of Foundation
  • Adds mega menu support for child themes by default.
  • Fixes an issue preventing the icons mixin from being used inside media queries
  • Icon placeholders and classes are now generated from the $icons-responsive map
  • Adds the ability to change the before/after placement of icons globally across
    the theme
  • Fixes skip link issues #173
  • Fixes a spacing issue with hidden page titles #174
  • Adds variable to control gallery margin #174
  • Fixes #103
  • Fixes #97 with new $padding-banner and $padding-banner-window-width variables
  • Fixes #84