Useful data//////////DOWN
{/////} What the project does I tries to make a exact copy of amazon and I pritty much succeded but nothing is Perfect. In the near future I shall revisit it and improve it
{/////}How to set it up or use it. your gitbash or terminal in vscode or wherer ever you code 2.tpye git clone and then copy repository link. 3.type git clone (link we just copied )and press entre. you success full downlaoded all the files in my repository. 5.start working.
{/////}Example usage or screenshots. This code is written directly after watching so it is pretty much simmiler to it if you want any resources then you can just visit and downlaod or save or copy link directly
{/////}Contribution guidelines. 1.Just try to add details and improve responsiveness. can change font and sizing of the different sectons according to website.
{/////}Links to additional resources or documentation. All photos or links are directly available in repository or you can just pick up latest photos ot links directly from
🌱 I’m currently learning React/JawaScript
💬 Ask me about JawaScrip , HTML ,CSS
📫 How to reach me [email protected]
⚡ Fun fact Life becomes easy when you look for opportunities in every corner.
⚡ Another Fun fact I also go live on youtube for gaming and productivity .*