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MSS. Laud Lat 29, 29*, 30 -ready for review
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tainonen committed Jan 4, 2023
1 parent d80b582 commit b7ba933
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Showing 3 changed files with 537 additions and 41 deletions.
46 changes: 39 additions & 7 deletions collections/Laud_lat/MS_Laud_Lat_29-star.xml
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<title>MS. Laud Lat. 29*</title>
<title type="collection">MSS. Laud Lat. (Latin)</title>
<resp>Summary description</resp>
<persName>Elizabeth Solopova</persName>
<persName>Matthew Holford</persName>
<respStmt xml:id="DM">
<persName>Daniela Mairhofer</persName>
<respStmt xml:id="TA">
<resp>Abbreviation and encoding</resp>
<persName>Tuija Ainonen</persName>
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<note>This description is abbreviated from Daniela Mairhofer, <title>Medieval Manuscripts from Würzburg in the Bodleian Library, Oxford: A Descriptive Catalogue</title> (Oxford, 2014), pp. 157–158. For purposes of scholarly citation, reference to the printed catalogue is requested.</note>
<msItem n="1" xml:id="MS_Laud_Lat_29-star-item1">
<locus>(fol. 171r-v)</locus>
<author key="person_78769600">Cicero</author>
<title key="work_1251">Tusculan Disputations</title>
<note>Fragment containing iv.114–20. Formerly MS. Laud Lat. 29, fol. 171.</note>
<note>Fragment containing iv.114–20. Formerly the end flyleaf of MS. Laud Lat. 29, fol. 171.</note>
<note>Ed. A. C. Clark (1910), siglum ‘O’; ed. M. Pohlenz, Teubner (1965), siglum ‘F’. The present fragment preserves an unusally accurate text. </note>
<textLang mainLang="la">Latin</textLang>
<objectDesc form="codex">
<supportDesc material="perg">
<extent>1 leaf
<dimensions unit="mm" type="leaf">
<height min="240" max="241">c.240–41</height>
<width min="186" max="189">186–89</width>
<layout columns="3" writtenLines="28">Ruling in hard point, the recto shows indirect impression; three columns of 28 lines each. Left- and right-hand margins unevenly trimmed, with text loss.
Ruled space:
the middle column measures 51 mm, the intercolumnar spaces 20–21 mm.
<!-- <dimensions unit="mm" type="ruled">
<height min="" max=""></height>
<width min="" max=""></width>
<handNote script="minusculeCaroline" resp="#DM">Carolingian minuscule, single hand.</handNote>
<decoNote type="none">None.</decoNote>
<origDate calendar="Gregorian" notAfter="0900" notBefore="0800">9th century</origDate>
<origDate calendar="Gregorian" notAfter="0866" notBefore="0833" resp="#DM">s. ix<hi rend="superscript">2/3</hi> </origDate>
<country key="place_1000080">Italian</country>, <settlement key="place_7003262">Verona</settlement>
<country key="place_1000080">Italian</country>, <settlement key="place_7003262">Verona</settlement> <!--#DM: (Northern?) Italy-->
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<change when="2023-01-03">Description revised for Mainz digitization project to include additional information from Mairhofer catalogue.</change>
<change when="2017-07-01">First online publication.</change>
<change when="2017-05-25"><persName>James Cummings</persName> Up-converted the markup using <ref target=""></ref></change>
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124 changes: 102 additions & 22 deletions collections/Laud_lat/MS_Laud_Lat_29.xml
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<idno type="SCN">1221</idno>
<head>New Testament (glossed). Composite: A: Italy, s. xiii<hi rend="superscript">ex</hi> || B: (Northern?) Italy, s. xii<hi rend="superscript">med</hi>. </head>
<head>New Testament (glossed). Composite: A: Italy, s. xiii<hi rend="superscript">ex</hi> || B: (Northern?) Italy, s. xii<hi rend="superscript">med</hi> || fol. 25: German, s. xi/xii. </head>
<p n="composite">Composite: A: fols. 1–24 || B: fols. 25–170</p>
<p n="composite">Composite: A: fols. 1–24 || B: fols. 26–170 || fol. 25 </p>
<p>This description is abbreviated from Daniela Mairhofer, <title>Medieval Manuscripts from the Mainz Charterhouse in the Bodleian Library, Oxford: A Descriptive Catalogue</title> (Oxford, 2018), pp. 149–156. For purposes of scholarly citation, reference to the printed catalogue is requested.</p>
<objectDesc form="codex">
<supportDesc material="perg">
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<provenance>A composite manuscript consisting of two Italian Bible books, possibly only together since the late 1630s. The end flyleaf, fol. 171, transferred to a separate folder (MS. Laud Lat. 29*), 26 October 1976.</provenance>
<provenance>A composite manuscript consisting of two Italian Bible books, possibly only together since the late 1630s. Fol. 25 is a fragment leaf from a German Sacramentary, hooked around the first quire of part B. The end flyleaf, fol. 171, transferred to a separate folder (MS. Laud Lat. 29*), 26 October 1976.</provenance>
<provenance when="1638"><persName key="person_54940373" role="fmo">William Laud, 1573–1645</persName>: his <hi rend="italic">ex-libris</hi> inscription, dated 1638, at the lower margin of fol. 1r. </provenance>
<acquisition when="1639">Given to the Bodleian as part of his third donation, dispatched on 28 June 1639. </acquisition>
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<msPart xml:id="MS_Laud_Lat_29-part1">
<altIdentifier type="partial">
<idno type="part">MS. Laud Lat. 29 – Part A (fols. i-24)</idno>
<idno type="part">MS. Laud Lat. 29 – Part A (fols. 1-24)</idno>
<msItem n="1" xml:id="MS_Laud_Lat_29-part1-item1">
<locus>(fols. i recto-verso)</locus>
<title type="desc">Depositions of witnesses in a law suit</title>
<textLang mainLang="la">Latin</textLang>
<note>Fragment, written on recto only. England, s. xvi<hi rend="superscript">in</hi>. 245–49 × 215 mm. Trimmed, with loss of text; 23 lines of script preserved.</note>
<note>For item 1, see below.</note>
<msItem class="#biblia" n="2" xml:id="MS_Laud_Lat_29-part1-item2">
<locus>(fols. 1r–24r)</locus>
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<msItem class="#liturgica" n="3" xml:id="MS_Laud_Lat_29-part2-item1">
<title key="work_14469" type="desc">Sacramentary</title>
<note>Fragment, German, s. xi/xii. One column of 26 lines. German protogothic script.</note>
<textLang mainLang="la">Latin</textLang>
<note>For fol. 25 see below</note>

<msItem class="#biblia" n="4" xml:id="MS_Laud_Lat_29-part23-item2">
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<note>Binding error, quires 12 and 13 misbound.</note>
cont here next!
<objectDesc form="codex">
<supportDesc material="perg">
<extent>146 leaves
<dimensions unit="mm" type="leaf">
<height min="242" max="248">c. 242–48</height>
<width min="169" max="178">169–78</width>
<layout columns="3" writtenLines="18 20">Ruling (fols. 26r ff.) in hard point, leaving a brownish trace, or with a crayon; three columns, of c. 18–20 (main column) widely-spaced lines; the interlinear and marginal gloss is ruled for ad hoc; the central column, for the Bible text, wider than the gloss columns.
Ruled space
<dimensions unit="mm" type="ruled">
<height min="165" max="190">space c.165–90</height>
<width min="150" max="158">150–58</width>
<handNote>Round protogothic script, mainly one hand; three sizes of script.</handNote>
<decoNote type="decInit">Good initials, partly mutilated. (<ref target="">Pächt and Alexander</ref> ii. 49)</decoNote>
<origin><!--Complex date: markup manually-->
<origDate calendar="Gregorian" notAfter="1160" notBefore="1140">12th century, middle</origDate>
<origPlace cert="low">
<country key="place_1000080">Italian</country>, <region>North</region> (?)</origPlace>
<note>(Judging by script and decoration.)</note>

<msPart xml:id="MS_Laud_Lat_29-part3">
<altIdentifier type="partial">
<idno type="part">MS. Laud Lat. 29 – fol. 25</idno>
<msItem class="#liturgica" n="3" xml:id="MS_Laud_Lat_29-part2-item1">
<title key="work_14469" type="desc">Sacramentary</title>
<note>Fragment, hooked around the first quire of part B.</note>
<textLang mainLang="la">Latin</textLang>
<objectDesc form="codex">
<supportDesc material="perg">
<extent>1 leaf</extent>
<layout columns="1" writtenLines="26">Ruled in hard point, one column of 26 lines.
<handDesc resp="#DM">
<handNote script="protogothic">German protogothic script, a single hand; the size of the script varies.</handNote>
<decoNote type="rubrication" resp="#DM">Red rubrics (capitals).</decoNote>
<decoNote type="plainInit" resp="#DM">Initials in red</decoNote>
<origDate calendar="Gregorian" notAfter="1110" notBefore="1090">11th century, late - 12th century, early</origDate>
<country key="place_7000084">German</country>
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<msPart xml:id="MS_Laud_Lat_29-part3">

<msPart xml:id="MS_Laud_Lat_29-part4">
<!--If fol. 25 is a separate part, should this not also be separate? I'm not sure how to deal with xml:id numbers. With Meirhofer this is item 1 in part A-->
<altIdentifier type="partial">
<idno type="part">MS. Laud Lat. 29 – Part 3</idno>
<idno type="part">MS. Laud Lat. 29 – fol. i</idno>

<msItem n="1" xml:id="MS_Laud_Lat_29-part1-item1">
<locus>(fols. i recto-verso)</locus>
<title type="desc">Depositions of witnesses in a law suit</title>
<textLang mainLang="la">Latin</textLang>
<note>Fragment, written on recto only. </note>
<objectDesc form="codex">
<supportDesc material="perg">
<extent>1 leaf (folded sidewise)
<dimensions unit="mm" type="leaf">
<height min="245" max="249">245–49</height>
<width quantity="215">215</width>
<layout columns="1" writtenLines="23">Ruled in pencil. Trimmed, with loss of text; 23 lines of script preserved. </layout>
<handDesc resp="#DM">
<decoNote type="decInit">Good initials, partly mutilated. (<ref target="">Pächt and Alexander</ref> ii. 49)</decoNote>
<decoNote type="rubrication" resp="#DM">Red rubrics (capitals).</decoNote>
<decoNote type="plainInit" resp="#DM">Initials in red</decoNote>
<origDate calendar="Gregorian" notAfter="1160" notBefore="1140">12th century, middle</origDate>
<origPlace cert="low">
<country key="place_1000080">Italian</country>, <region>North</region> (?)<!--ORIGINAL: Italian, North (?)--></origPlace>
<origDate calendar="Gregorian" notAfter="1110" notBefore="1090">s. xvi<hi rend="superscript">in</hi></origDate>
<country key="place_7002445">England</country>

<change when="2023-01-03">Description revised for Mainz digitization project to include additional information from Mairhofer catalogue.</change>
<change when="2017-07-01">First online publication.</change>
<change when="2017-05-25">
<persName>James Cummings</persName> Up-converted the markup using <ref target=""></ref>
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