Open a terminal and cd
into your desired parent folder for this repo, then run:
git clone ''
cd linux_configs && git submodule update --init --recursive
Then you have to build .vim/bundle/vimproc.vim/
and .vim/bundle/YouCompleteMe/
Check their READMEs for instructions on how to do that.
After building them run:
This will generate the symbolic links to this repo for the configurations. It will prompt you before each change.
Keep the repo on your filesystem.
This repo contains my personal configuration files for Linux. I will update it as I see fit.
Vim plugins:
- Pathogen
- Syntastic
- YouCompleteMe
- EasyAlign
- GhcMod
- Neco-ghc
- Vimproc (dependecy of GhcMod)
- Thrift (syntax highlight)
- vim-localvimrc
- ctrlp
- vim-buffergator
Tmux plugins:
- Tmux-sensible
- Tmux-yank