GB-OBDII is a hardware/software project where OBD-II scanning functionality is added to a Gameboy or Gameboy Colour, this is done by creating a custom cartridge for the Gameboy and also a custom connector for the OBD-II port which will convert from a gameboy link cable connection to a microcontroller which then converts the commands to something the vehicle will understand
The General overview of the project is as follows:
RGBDS - Rednex Game Boy Development System
WIP, not sure if going for fully custom board or a modified MBC5 cartridge with a new flash chip for use in further projects.
This board will be powered via the OBD-II port and will convert the OBD-II port to RS232 for connection to a PC or the intermediate uController.
We will be utilising the following GB link cable adapter from PALMR throughout the project, they are available to order through OSH Park.
The AllPro adapter is an open source OBD-II scanner that supports all ELM327 commands, by utilising this board as our starter board we can save valuable time in development. We can interface into the chip using RS232 Serial from our uController or a PC for debugging.This is currently planned to be an ATMega328P due to previous experience with the platform. We will be using this uController to convert the Gameboy link cable connection to a RS232 connection.
Included in this library are the following functions:
StrCpy - Copy from DE to HL until 0x00 incrementing HL and DE
MemCpy - Copy from DE to HL for BC bytes
WaitVBlank - Wait until rLY==144 then return
We Will be using the Arduino bootloader and the ArdOBD library to interface with the AllPro Adapter, We will also use a custom library to interface with the GB Link cable.
ICSP headers are on the board to program the device using a USBASP.
This will use the original firmware provided at
we can program the AllPro chip using the reccomended tools of a USB-Serial cable and the Flash Magic Tool. The image file is referenced at the bottom of this document.