django-openayers aims to be a reusable django app that allows displaying maps from files and other sources supported by the awesome OpenLayers library. OpenLayers is also the library used by GeoDjango, the contributed gis application that comes with Django.
This package is in an alpha stage, don't use it in production. I will hopefully provide a more stable version very soon.
One motivation for building this app is to be able to deploy easily kml, gml and other map types in a django-cms plugin.
current version: 0.0.2
- basic Map, VectorLayer and RasterLayer and UploadedFile models
- Raster Layers: OSM and Google (street, terrain, satellite, hybrid)
- Vector Layers: KML
- some map controls
- simple view and template for map
- basic django-admin Map editing interface, with preview
- serving uploaded files for map (kml, etc)
- layer ordering
planned version: 0.1.0
- layer ordering, with drag and drop in admin
- write documentation
- templatetags
- django-cms plugin: work is in progress. A very basic implementation is included.
- map extent, boundaries, ecc
- handle projections
- More Raster Layers
- More Vector Layers
- Popup support for vector layer
- Feature inspector for vector layers
- Cross-origin vector layer sources
- Automatic json layers (or other format) from selected GeoDjango models, with generic views
- Thematic mapping and legend for vector layers
To be written.
The app comes with a demo django project and a demo_cms project that includes django-cms integration
The app is being developed for Django >= 1.3.1. I'm not checking compatibility with other Django versions right now.