Edupedia is an application built for teachers. Teachers can use the tool to keep track of educational games and resources that already exist. Teachers can sign up using a unique username and password. Once signed up, users have access to 6 educational resources. They can view, favorite, edit, and delete already existing resources. They can also add new resources to the database.
- CSS3
- JavaScript
- NodeJS
- Mongoose
- ExpressJS
- PassportJS
- Connecting the object key "keywords" to the checkboxes on the edit / new pages to allow users to easily update information about the resources (documents)
- Connecting the object key "favorite" to the favorite button so users can easily favorite resources
- Only allowing logged in users to favorite resources and having favorite resources saved to users.
- Making the search bar functional (req.query) so the value input into the search bar by a user returns a list of resources that include that keyword
- Using passport to define user sessions and protecting user passwords through hash
- Connecting the login collection and the resource collection together
- Have the username of the signed-in user display instead of the log in button in the header and only display log out option when a user is logged in
- Make the design more mobile-friendly