Easily add keyboard support in your Backbone views
Backbone.keys is made to work with your existing views. To add arrow navigation to your app simply do:
MyView = Backbone.View.extend({
keys : {
'a+shift' : function(e, name) {},
'left right up down': 'onNavigate'
// The name variable is the name of the pressed key
// (a in this case)
onNavigate : function(e, name) {
You can bind and unbind events manually:
this.keyOn('return', this.onEnter);
this.keyOff('return', this.onEnter);
// Unbind all for key
// Unbind all
Note that the API is highly in flux at the moment:
bower install backbone.keys
Depends on Underscore, Backbone and an underlying DOM library that handles event bindings.
Include in your application after DOM library, Underscore, and Backbone have been included.
<script src="/js/jquery.js"></script>
<script src="/js/underscore.js"></script>
<script src="/js/backbone.js"></script>
<script src="/js/backbone.keys.js"></script>
Note that backbone.keys currently overwrites Backbone.View
to make its usage
a no-op, part from including it.