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Setup two Raspberry Pi 4 as ping/pong targets by using
Follow the to setup.
On your Raspberry Pi 4 Ping/Pong targets,
Before doing following, you need to connect pong
target via SSH,
cd ping_pong_measurer_rclex/
iex -S mix
On IEx,
# help arguments
h PingPongMeasurerRclex.start_pong_processes
PingPongMeasurerRclex.start_pong_processes(1, :single, :single)
Then, invoke command on ping
's IEx.
If you wanna change the parameters, you can stop pong
Before doing following, you need to prepare pong
first and connect ping
target via SSH,
cd ping_pong_measurer_rclex/
iex -S mix
On IEx,
# help arguments
h PingPongMeasurerRclex.start_ping_side_processes
# start measuring
PingPongMeasurerRclex.start_ping_side_processes(1, :single, :single, 256, 100, false)
On your host machine, you can test pingpong on one Erlang VM.
cd ping_pong_measurer_rclex/
mix deps.get
iex -S mix
On IEx,
# help arguments
h PingPongMeasurerRclex.local_test
PingPongMeasurerRclex.local_test(1, :single, :single, 256)