This repository is the home of B4CKSP4CE's style guide, which includes configs for popular linting and styling tools.
The following configs are available, and are designed to be used together.
Install the package using your package manager of choice:
# Using pnpm
pnpm install --save-dev @bksp/style-guide
Note: ESLint is a peer-dependency of this package, and should be installed at the root of your project.
# Install ESLint and TypeScript ESLint parser required for the shared config
pnpm install --save-dev eslint typescript-eslint
There are two ESLint configurations available:
- for generic Node.js projects@bksp/style-guide/eslint/next
- for Next.js projects
Re-export the desired configuration in your project's eslint.config.mjs
// eslint.config.mjs
import next from '@bksp/style-guide/eslint/next'
export default next;
You can extend this configuration to add project-specific rules. Read more about it in Configuring ESLint documentation.
Please use @tsconfig/strictest
directly in your projects:
"extends": "@tsconfig/strictest"
Commitlint is a linting tool for commit messages. We use it to enforce a consistent use of Conventional Commits specification.
In order to use the shared Commitlint config, you need to install the following packages:
# Install commitlint and husky for git hooks
pnpm install --save-dev @commitlint/cli husky
# Link the shared config
echo "export default { extends: ['@bksp/style-guide/commitlint'] }" > .commitlintrc.mjs
# Initialize husky
pnpm husky init
# Add a commit-msg hook
echo "pnpm dlx commitlint --edit \$1" > .husky/commit-msg
This project is heavily inspired by The Vercel Style Guide. Thanks, Vercel, for sharing this amazing piece of work!