The AT&T Java Codekit allows you to interact with AT&T's APIs.
- Java JRE 1.6+
- Java JDK 1.6+
- Maven
The Codekit uses maven for managing the build process; therefore, the documentation at maven's website can be used for understanding the Codekit's project structure.
All of following commands must be executed from the codekit directory.
If your project is a maven project, you can use maven to take care of linking the jar file. First install the Codekit by running the following command from the codekit directory:
mvn clean install
Then add the following to your pom.xml's dependency section (replace version with the latest version):
To use the Codekit, it must first be compiled. This can be done via command line by running (from the codekit directory):
mvn clean package
After the command is executed, a jar file (e.g. codekit-1.0.jar) will be generated in the 'target' folder. The jar may then be used by linking it in your project.
Example code is located in the examples folder. Each example is a stand-alone application that uses Maven for the build process. Each example must be modified to include values, such as an application key, by editing the source file. The source file contains comments that describe which parts need to be modified.
For example, to run the sms example:
Switch the working directory to examples/sms (e.g. cd examples/sms
Modify the src/main/java/com/att/example/ file.
Run maven to generate the jar (e.g. mvn clean package
Run the compiled jar (e.g. java -jar targets/sms-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar
Test code can be found in the 'codekit/src/test' folder. The folder contains both unit and integration tests. To run the tests, the follow command may be used (from the codekit directory): mvn clean verify
The Codekit contains inline documentation, which can be generated using the
command. To generate documentation, run (from the codekit directory):
mvn javadoc:javadoc
After the command is executed, the documentation will be in the 'codekit/target/apidocs' folder and can be accessed using a web browser.
The Codekit follows Sun's coding conventions.