This is a repository containing datasets used in other Astronomer resources like the Learn page.
: 3 CSVs from this Kaggle Dataset (License Public Domain CC0) by the Kaggle user programmerrdai derived from Renewable Energy, Our World In Data, License CC BY 4.0.etl-snowflake-blogpost
: A dataset consisting of 4 CSV files about tea.elt-databricks-blogpost
: One CSV file about candy retrieved during trick-or-treating.dog_intelligence.csv
: A slightly modified version of this Kaggle Dataset by Jasleen Sondhi and Tejas Junankar. License CC0 1.0.movie_descriptions.txt
: A slightly modified version of this Kaggle Dataset by radmirkaz based on publicly available movie descriptions on IMDB.possum.csv
: A dataset about possums for simple regression analysis. The data was provided on Kaggle by ABeyer. License CC0 Public Domain.subset_energy_capacity.csv
: A subset of: Open Power System Data. 2020. Data Package National generation capacity. Version 2020-10-01. (Primary data from various sources, for a complete list see URL).
: contains generated data describing fictive skiers, their attributes and choice of afternoon beverage.
These files contain beta versions for new Airflow providers. They are not meant for production use.
: Beta version of the Airflow Weaviate provider.astro_provider_snowflake-0.0.0-py3-none-any.whl
: Beta version of the Airflow Snowpark provider (to be integrated with the existing Snowflake provider in a future release).