InfluxDB client for node / iojs.
This library uses the excellent bluebird library, take a look at the promise API to see how you can make the best use of this library.
Calculate the 90th percentile first, then find all latency measurements within that 90th percentile.
client.query('SELECT percentile(ms, 95) FROM latency')
.then(function(results) {
var percentile = results[0].series[0].values[0][1];
var query = 'SELECT mean(ms) FROM latency \
WHERE time > now() - 10m \
AND ms < ' + percentile + ' \
GROUP BY time(1s)';
return client.query(query).then(function(results) {
.catch(function(err) {
Execute a bunch of queries, and settle for any that were successful.
// fetch some metrics for the last 5 minutes
var metrics = [
client.query('SELECT mean(ms) FROM latency WHERE time > now() - 5m fill(0)'),
client.query('SELECT percentile(ms, 90) FROM latency WHERE time > now() - 5m fill(0)'),
client.query('SELECT (count(ms) / 300) as reqss FROM latency WHERE time > now() - 5m fill(0)')
// we'll settle for any successful requests
promise.settle(metrics).then(function(results) {
// find all fulfilled promises
results = _.filter(function(result) {
return result.isFulfilled();