Iceball is a lightweight sandbox FPS shooter that is highly extensible and fun to play, offering experience much like the classic Ace of Spades.
This project arsdragonfly/iceball is the successor to the original iamgreaser/iceball codebase, which is virtually discontinued by now.
This project is soon to be renamed as Yukiball.
Just want to play Iceball? You can grab the latest build from here. If you want to modify the source or just simply build Iceball yourself, see the How to Build section below, or alternatively check out the (now possibly outdated) instructions on the wiki.
If you're planning on contributing to the Iceball project, please check out contribution guidelines on the wiki as well. All help is appreciated!
- Official:
- Slack:
- Deprecated:
- Reddit: /r/iceball
- IRC:
- Unofficial:
- BnS subreddit: /r/buildandshoot
- BnS subforum:
Grab the dependencies:
# Ubuntu et. al
$ sudo apt update
$ sudo apt install cmake libsdl2-dev libenet-dev libluajit-5.1-dev
Run CMake and compile:
cmake . && cmake --build .
The Msys2 MinGW toolchain is recommended since it provides hassle-free dependency management.
Grab the dependencies (assuming running MSYS2 MinGW 64-bit shell; otherwise change x86_64 to i686)
$ pacman -S mingw-w64-x86_64-cmake mingw-w64-x86_64-SDL2 mingw-w64-x86_64-luajit-git mingw-w64-x86_64-enet
Run CMake and compile:
$ cmake -G "MSYS Makefiles" . && make iceball
If you want to build the dedicated server executable, run
$ make iceball-dedi
Dependency management is done using Hunter;
$ cmake -G "MinGW Makefiles" -DHUNTER_ENABLED=ON -DCMAKE_SH="CMAKE_SH-NOTFOUND" . && mingw32-make iceball
If you want to build the dedicated server executable, run
$ mingw32-make iceball-dedi
Dependency management is done using Hunter as well. Open up the VS command prompt and enter
$ cmake -G "Visual Studio 15 2017 Win64" -DHUNTER_ENABLED=ON . && cmake --build . --target iceball
If you want to build the dedicated server executable, run
$ cmake --build . --target iceball-dedi
Grab the dependencies:
$ brew install lua, enet, SDL2
Run CMake and compile:
$ cmake . && cmake --build .
If you have some thoughts on how to improve this project, please use the slack channel to start a discussion about it. If the feature you want added is both clearly defined and plausible, you can open a issue in the issue tracker instead.
You should also use the issue tracker for reporting any bugs you find. Make sure they aren't already reported though!
Check out the docs/
directory for some in-depth information regarding formats, engine intrinsics etc. Be aware that not all documentation may be up to date however. A lot of information is also available at the original wiki.
The project is now switching to Doxygen.
In addition, you may generate Doxygen Documentation using the Doxyfile
config file provided. Note that docs for lua scripts require doxylua
: npm install -g doxylua
Iceball is licensed under the regular GNU GPL version 3.
Ice Lua Components is licensed under the LGPL version 3.
Any of the "Team Sparkle" stuff is available under MIT, including the launcher.
Sackit is under public domain.
All assets are released under Creative Commons 3.0 BY-SA:
These are, unless otherwise marked:
Copyright (C) 2012-2015, Iceball contributors.
The credits list is almost always out of date,
so check the git log for a list of contributors.
Ice Lua Components contains some content from libSDL,
which is licensed under the LGPL version 2.1.
It is marked accordingly.
Code in src/external is licensed under their respective licenses,
which are listed in LICENCE-others.txt.
The manual is in the public domain, except where otherwise specified.
Copyright (C) 2012-2015, Iceball contributors