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aradfarahani authored Aug 12, 2024
1 parent b453e3c commit 5699fc7
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Showing 6 changed files with 14,163 additions and 0 deletions.
5,930 changes: 5,930 additions & 0 deletions W5 Extra/E01/E01.ipynb

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359 changes: 359 additions & 0 deletions W5 Extra/E01/
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#### Module for visualizing drilling information in 3D
#### Note: It is important to validate the data beforehand to avoid errors in the visualization

#### Copyright 2022, kevinalexandr19
#### This software may be modified and distributed under the terms of the MIT license.
#### See the LICENSE file for details.

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
from scipy import interpolate
from tqdm import tqdm
import as px
import plotly.graph_objects as go

def xyz(d, az1, dip1, az2, dip2):
""" Interpolates the azimuth and dip angle over a line.\n
Parameters\n ----------
d : units of distance between the two points.\n
az1, dip1, az2, dip2 : float, azimuth and dip (downward positive) of both points.\n"""

az1 = np.radians(az1)
dip1 = np.radians(90 - dip1)

az2 = np.radians(az2)
dip2 = np.radians(90 - dip2)

dl = np.arccos(np.cos(dip2 - dip1) - np.sin(dip1)*np.sin(dip2)*(1 - np.cos(az2 - az1)))

if dl != 0:
rf = 2*np.tan(dl/2)/dl # minimun curvature
rf = 1 # balanced tangential

dz = -0.5*d*(np.cos(dip1) + np.cos(dip2))*rf
dy = 0.5*d*(np.sin(dip1)*np.cos(az1) + np.sin(dip2)*np.cos(az2))*rf
dx = 0.5*d*(np.sin(dip1)*np.sin(az1) + np.sin(dip2)*np.sin(az2))*rf

return np.array([dx, dy, dz])

class DrillData:
""" Drillhole data containing collar, survey and assay information.\n
Parameters\n ----------
collar : pandas.DataFrame, contains the drillhole collar data. Columns: ID, X, Y, Z.\n
survey : pandas.DataFrame, contains the drillhole survey data. Columns: ID, AT, AZ, DIP.\n
table: pandas.DataFrame, contains the drillhole geological data. Columns: ID, FROM, TO, and any combination of features.\n"""

def __init__(self, collar: pd.DataFrame, survey: pd.DataFrame, table: pd.DataFrame, table_name: str):
print("Drillings must be validated before performing the 3D visualization.")
self.collar = collar.copy()
self.survey = survey.copy()
self.table = table.copy()
self.table_name = table_name
self.validated = False
self.has_points = False
self.feature = None
self.feature_points = None
self.trajectory = None

def validate_columns(self, df: pd.DataFrame, name: str, columns: list, istable=False):
"""Validates the name of each column in collar, survey and table."""

print(f"\033[1m Column validation in {name}:\033[0m")
dfcols = list(df.columns)
count = len(columns)

missing_cols = columns
for col in dfcols:
if col in columns:
print(f"\033[1m Column {col}: included\033[0m")
count -= 1
print(f" Additional column: {col}")

if count == 0:
self.validated = True
print(f" The following columns are missing in {name}: {missing_cols}")
if istable == False:
print(f" There are {count} additional columns in {name}, rename or remove these columns to resolve the issue.")

def validate_datatypes(self, df, name, dtypes: dict, istable=False):
"""Validates the data type of each column in collar, survey and table."""

if not self.validated:
return print("\033[1m Columns have not been validated. It is not possible to validate data types.\033[0m")

print(f"\033[1m Data type validation in {name}:\033[0m")
df_dtypes = dict(df.dtypes)
count = 0

for col, dtype in dtypes.items():
if df_dtypes[col] == dtype:
print(f"\033[1m Columna {col}: {dtype}\033[0m")
count += 1
print(f" Columna {col}: tipo de dato incorrecto. Cambiar a {dtype}")

if count == 0:
self.validated = True
self.validated = False

def validate_survey(self):
"""Validates that each drillhole has more than one survey row"""

if not self.validated:
return print("\033[1m The columns have not been validated. It is not possible to validate the survey content.\033[0m")

survey = self.survey
one_row_dh = []

for dh in survey["ID"].unique():
count = len(survey[survey["ID"] == dh])
if count <= 1:
print(f" Remove drilling {dh} with insufficient data in survey")

if len(one_row_dh) == 0:
print(" All drillings have more than one entry in survey.")
self.validated = True
self.validated = False

def validate_ID(self):
"""Validates if there are no extra drillholes in some of the tables."""

if not self.validated:
return print("\033[1m The columns have not been validated. It is not possible to validate the drillings' ID.\033[0m")

c = set(self.collar["ID"].unique())
s = set(self.survey["ID"].unique())
t = set(self.table["ID"].unique())
extra_dh = c ^ s | t ^ s | c ^ t

if len(extra_dh) == 0:
print(" All files contain the same drillings.")
self.validated = True
print(" Some files contain drillings that do not appear in others:")
for dh in extra_dh:
if dh in c:
print(f" Remove drilling {dh} in collar")
for dh in extra_dh:
if dh in s:
print(f" Remove drilling {dh} in survey")
for dh in extra_dh:
if dh in t:
print(f" Remove drilling {dh} in {self.table_name}")
else: pass
self.validated = False

def validate(self):
print("\033[1mValidation of information in collar:\033[0m")
self.validate_columns(self.collar, "collar", ["ID", "X", "Y", "Z"])
self.validate_datatypes(self.collar, "collar", {"ID": "object", "X": "float64", "Y": "float64", "Z": "float64"})

print("\033[1mValidation of information in survey:\033[0m")
self.validate_columns(self.survey, "survey", ["ID", "AT", "AZ", "DIP"])
self.validate_datatypes(self.survey, "survey", {"ID": "object", "AT": "float64", "AZ": "float64", "DIP": "float64"})

print(f"\033[1mValidation of information in {self.table_name}:\033[0m")
self.validate_columns(self.table, self.table_name, ["ID", "FROM", "TO"], istable=True)
self.validate_datatypes(self.table, self.table_name, {"ID": "object", "FROM": "float64", "TO": "float64"})

print(f"\033[1mValidation of survey records for each drilling\033[0m")

print(f"\033[1mValidation of additional drillings in some files:\033[0m")

if self.validated == True:
print("\033[1mThe drillings have been validated.\033[0m")
print("\033[1mThe validation of the drillings has failed.\033[0m")

def get_points(self, feature: str, dtype: str):
if self.validated == False:
return print("\033[1mThe information must first be validated through the validate method.\033[0m")

self.feature = feature
self.feature_dtype = dtype
collar = self.collar
survey = self.survey
table = self.table

points = []
table = self.table[["ID", "FROM", "TO", feature]].copy()
holeid = self.survey["ID"].unique()

print(f"Processing information from {len(holeid)} drillings. Column: {feature}")

if dtype == "categorical":
for dh in tqdm(holeid):
# Drilling information
dh_collar = collar[collar["ID"] == dh].values[0][1:].astype(float)
dh_survey = survey[survey["ID"] == dh].values[:, 1:].astype(float)
dh_feature = table[table["ID"] == dh].values[:, 1:]

# # Drilling directions
lengths = dh_survey[1:, 0] - dh_survey[:-1, 0]
knots = [np.array([0, 0, 0])]
for d, array1, array2 in zip(lengths, dh_survey[:-1, 1:], dh_survey[1:, 1:]):
knots.append(xyz(d, array1[0], array1[1], array2[0], array2[1]))
knots = np.cumsum(knots, axis=0)

# Drilling coordinates
knots = knots + dh_collar

# Interpolation of points in the direction of drilling
if len(dh_survey) > 3:
tck, u = interpolate.splprep(knots.T, k=2)
tck, u = interpolate.splprep(knots.T, k=1)

# Interpolation of points along the entire drilling
length = dh_feature[:, 1].max()
dfrom = dh_feature[:, 0] / length
dto = dh_feature[:, 1] / length
column = dh_feature[:, 2]

for a, b, col in zip(dfrom, dto, column):
p1 = [float(i) for i in interpolate.splev(a, tck)]
p2 = [float(i) for i in interpolate.splev(b, tck)]
p3 = [None, None, None, col]
points.extend([p1, p2, p3])

elif dtype == "numeric":
for dh in tqdm(holeid):
# Drilling information
dh_collar = collar[collar["ID"] == dh].values[0][1:].astype(float)
dh_survey = survey[survey["ID"] == dh].values[:, 1:].astype(float)
dh_feature = table[table["ID"] == dh].values[:, 1:]

# Drilling directions
lengths = dh_survey[1:, 0] - dh_survey[:-1, 0]
knots = [np.array([0, 0, 0])]
for d, array1, array2 in zip(lengths, dh_survey[:-1, 1:], dh_survey[1:, 1:]):
knots.append(xyz(d, array1[0], array1[1], array2[0], array2[1]))
knots = np.cumsum(knots, axis=0)

# Drilling coordinates
knots = knots + dh_collar

# Interpolation of points in the direction of drilling
if len(dh_survey) > 3:
tck, u = interpolate.splprep(knots.T, k=2)
tck, u = interpolate.splprep(knots.T, k=1)

# Interpolation of points along the entire drilling
length = dh_feature[:, 1].max()
dfrom = dh_feature[:, 0] / length
dto = dh_feature[:, 1] / length
column = dh_feature[:, 2]

for a, b, col in zip(dfrom, dto, column):
p1 = [float(i) for i in interpolate.splev(a, tck)]
p2 = [float(i) for i in interpolate.splev(b, tck)]
points.extend([p1, p2])

points.append([None, None, None, np.nan])

# The processed information is stored in the attribute points
self.points = pd.DataFrame(points, columns=["X", "Y", "Z", feature])
self.has_points = True

def plot_3d(self):
if self.has_points == False:
return print("\033[1mThe points for visualization have not yet been generated through the get_points method.\033[0m")

collar = self.collar
feature = self.feature
points = self.points

# Dimensions of the 3D graph
xmin, xmax = round(collar["X"].min(), -3) - 1000, round(collar["X"].max(), -3) + 1000
ymin, ymax = round(collar["Y"].min(), -3) - 1000, round(collar["Y"].max(), -3) + 1000
zmin, zmax = round(collar["Z"].min(), -3) - 1000, round(collar["Z"].max(), -3) + 1000

# 3D Visualization in Plotly
fig = go.Figure()

fig.add_trace(go.Scatter3d(x=collar["X"], y=collar["Y"], z=collar["Z"], text=collar["ID"], name="Collar",
legendgroup="drillhole", legendgrouptitle_text="Drillhole",
mode="markers+text", marker=dict(size=1, color="lightgray"), textfont=dict(size=7, color="white")))

fig.add_trace(go.Scatter3d(x=points["X"], y=points["Y"], z=points["Z"], name="Path",
legendgroup="drillhole", legendgrouptitle_text="Drillhole",
mode="lines", line=dict(width=0.8, color="lightgray"), connectgaps=False))

if self.feature_dtype == "categoric":
for value in points[feature].unique():
df = points[points[feature] == value]
fig.add_trace(go.Scatter3d(x=df["X"], y=df["Y"], z=df["Z"], name=value,
legendgroup="feature", legendgrouptitle_text=feature,
mode="lines", line=dict(width=7), connectgaps=False))
elif self.feature_dtype == "numeric":
fig.add_trace(go.Scatter3d(x=points["X"], y=points["Y"], z=points["Z"], name=feature,
legendgroup="feature", legendgrouptitle_text=feature,
mode="lines+text", connectgaps=False,
line=dict(colorbar=dict(title=feature, titlefont=dict(color="white"), x=-0.1, tickfont=dict(color="white")),
colorscale="Jet", width=7, color=points[feature])

legend = dict(bgcolor="white", itemsizing="constant", groupclick="toggleitem"),
paper_bgcolor="rgba(1, 1, 1, 1)",
plot_bgcolor="rgba(1, 1, 1, 1)",
scene = dict(xaxis_title="X",
xaxis=dict(range=[xmin, xmax], backgroundcolor="black", color="white"),
yaxis=dict(range=[ymin, ymax], backgroundcolor="black", color="white"),
zaxis=dict(range=[zmin, zmax], backgroundcolor="black", color="white"),


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