prebuilt-businessCard: extracts text and key information from business cards.
Console project following Azure Quickstart example for invoice model and mapping sample and fields for the business card model
Name | Type | Description | Standardized output |
ContactNames | Array of objects | Contact name | |
FirstName | String | First (given) name of contact | |
LastName | String | Last (family) name of contact | |
CompanyNames | Array of strings | Company name(s) | |
Departments | Array of strings | Department(s) or organization(s) of contact | |
JobTitles | Array of strings | Listed Job title(s) of contact | |
Emails | Array of strings | Contact email address(es) | |
Websites | Array of strings | Company website(s) | |
Addresses | Array of strings | Address(es) extracted from business card | |
MobilePhones | Array of phone numbers | Mobile phone number(s) from business card | +1 xxx xxx xxxx |
Faxes | Array of phone numbers | Fax phone number(s) from business card | +1 xxx xxx xxxx |
WorkPhones | Array of phone numbers | Work phone number(s) from business card | +1 xxx xxx xxxx |
OtherPhones | Array of phone numbers | Other phone number(s) from business card | +1 xxx xxx xxxx |