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backport request for stable branch
This issue/PR relates to a bug.
The PR has a change request from a reviewer
The issue is related to CI tests
The issue/pr is related to Documentation
Good for the new contributors
This issue/PR relates to a feature request.
synchronize Issue and PR for firewalld module
Gate PR in Zuul CI (Obsolete: Please set "mergeit" instead of "gate")
This pull request needs review by core reviewers or maintainers
Needs a first human triage before being processed.
Needs to reproduced before processing
This issue/PR is pinned on the Pinned issue
Further information is required
This is for release commit pull request
Issue or pull request for stable-1
Issue or pull request for stable-2
Issue and PR for synchronize module
This issue has been verified/reproduced by maintainer
Needs help. Feel free to engage to get things unblocked
Waiting on a response from the PR author.
You can’t perform that action at this time.