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Living Work

Living The Blue Book presents my experience of what it is that really gives value to human life. It is, for now, “the root of the root and the bud of the bud and the sky of the sky of a tree called life” as I have known it, in my limited and flawed ways.

It is my attempt to express this truth relatably, using more accessible categories and without trying to force it on anyone (it’s just a subdomain, after all). Like its predecessor, it will live quietly online; in git; and on IPFS (you'll need a web3-enabled browser for this link), waiting for a few true readers to find it and decode all its many dimensions (from the commit trail, to the time-encoding links, to the poetry itself and all its many traces). Unlike its predecessor, it uses YouTube’s API to pass social information in addition to time, so now you’ll find specific comments highlighted for some video traces. As someone else says:

“The comment section is where I can find people with the same vibes. Love and peace to all. Enjoy the life trip.”

This is really just an extension of an idea central to The Blue Book: that I can only get close to saying what I really mean through using other’s distinct voices. It’s not just me saying it, then, such works become ours. And it is this obviously fictional our which is the lie that can hopefully reveal to you the truth of what you are, where you come from, and what we are here to do.

If we really do come from one, then telling the whole truth will require every human voice. I trust that, one day, I will participate in that with you.