It's ya boi Andrei. I'm a Frontend Developer who also do some design stuff.
- RealClear Polling
- Expedia - Landing pages
- Allsup
- Rhythm Agency Case Studies
- All Family Dental & Braces
- Rhythm Whitepaper Landing page
- Civic Nation
- When We All Vote
- ON_Discourse
- Realclear Polling
- Harris Williams
- Scribe
- Harvard-Harris Poll
- Loves to use both Mac and Windows machines
- Visual Studio Code
- iTerm 2 is my terminal in Mac, Windows Terminal for Windows
- Adobe XD - for some UI designing
- Microsoft Edge (the chromium-based one) - is my go-to browser
- DeviantArt - andreitrinidad
- LinkedIn - Andrei Trinidad
- Youtube - Andrei Trinidad
- Twitter - @itsYaBoiAndrei