NodeCat is a Node.js port of Akamai's Edgeworker CAT (Common Access Token) implementation. It provides backend endpoints to create and validate Common Access Tokens (CAT) using industry-standard cryptographic algorithms such as HS256 and ES256.
- Token Generation: Supports creating Common Access Tokens with custom claims such as expiration, subject, and renewable properties.
- Token Validation: Supports validating generated tokens to ensure their authenticity and validity.
- Multiple Algorithms: Supports both symmetric (HS256) and asymmetric (ES256) cryptographic signing algorithms.
This implementation is based on Akamai’s Edgeworker CAT example, adapted for local Node.js environments.
The service exposes two main endpoints:
- /generateToken: Generates a Common Access Token with the provided claims.
- /validateToken: Validates a provided CAT token and returns the decoded payload.
- Not all claims from the original Edgeworker implementation are currently supported.
- The
endpoint defaults to HS256 for signing tokens unless manually configured for ES256.
To build and run the NodeCat service using Docker:
docker build -t node-cat .
docker run -p 3000:3000 node-cat
You can supply HS256 key for signing and PORT for the service to listen on using environment variables:
export HS256_KEY=feb0fd6be2dd86279a38f415dd85dbab56c97e3ff589ec7bb04e09c3fd98cb20
export PORT=3000
To use environment variables in Docker:
docker run -p 3000:3000 \
-e PORT=3000 \
-e HS256_KEY=feb0fd6be2dd86279a38f415dd85dbab56c97e3ff589ec7bb04e09c3fd98cb20 \
Skip the Docker build and run the NodeCat service on OSAAS:
The simplest example to generate a token with an expiration claim (exp
% curl 'http://localhost:3000/generateToken' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{"exp":1829693926}'
# Example output:
A more complex example, generating a token with a renewable claim (catr
% curl 'http://localhost:3000/generateToken' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{"exp":1829693926,"sub":"TheCatHunter","catr":{"expext":70,"renewabletype":2,"deadline":0}}'
# Example output:
To validate a token and retrieve its payload:
% curl -X POST http://localhost:3000/validateToken \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{"token": "2D3RhEOhAQWhBFBha2FtYWlfa2V5X2hzMjU2WCqlBBptDunmAmxUaGVDYXRIdW50ZXIZARaiAAIBGEYGGmcZWXoFGmcZWXpYIDWdOGh_yV1OZx6eGrJ7RyjcXZM4FhDS9DGXyHMl_toU"}'
# Example output:
{"status":"Token is valid","payload":{"exp":1829693926,"sub":"TheCatHunter","catr":{"renewal_type":2,"exp_extension":70},"iat":1729714554,"nbf":1729714554}}
To use the NodeCat service with proper security, you need to generate cryptographic keys for signing tokens.
To generate a 256-bit HS256 key, run the following command:
openssl rand -hex 32
# Example output:
Alternatively, use the provided Node.js script to generate keys:
npm install jose
node src/createKeys.js
# Example output:
HS256 Key: feb0fd6be2dd86279a38f415dd85dbab56c97e3ff589ec7bb04e09c3fd98cb20
ES256 Private Key (PEM):
ES256 Public Key (PEM):
-----END PUBLIC KEY-----
You can test the creation and validation of a token in one go using the supplied shell script
# Example output:
Creating token...
Token generated: 2D3RhEOhAQWhBFBha2FtYWlfa2V5X2hzMjU2WCqlBBptDunmAmxUaGVDYXRIdW50ZXIZARaiAAIBGEYGGmcaCUgFGmcaCUhYINXqkeJ6TjMsk2gxt6MdBBb1lGnlo7HhWPfa_5wSW-WZ
Validating token...
Token is valid: {"status":"Token is valid","payload":{"exp":1829693926,"sub":"TheCatHunter","catr":{"renewal_type":2,"exp_extension":70},"iat":1729759560,"nbf":1729759560}}
Test completed successfully.
- HS256 (HMAC) is a symmetric algorithm, meaning the same key is used for both signing and validation.
- ES256 (ECDSA) is an asymmetric algorithm, using a private key for signing and a public key for validation. Ensure you are managing your cryptographic keys securely, particularly in production environments.