The TPL Collections have versioning scheme that is not perfect, but provides a useful reference number to use for a specific collection. We include some of the hard to curl (small) TPLs in this repository, while the other TPLs are curled directly from their project sites.
- xerces-c 3.1.2
- curl 7.3.7
- zlib 1.2.11
- ccse 1.3.4
- unitest-cpp 2.0.0
- boost 1.63
- hdf5 1.8.18
- netcdf
- netcdf fortran 4.2
- silo 4.10.2
- mstk 3.0.1
- ascem-io 2.2
- exodus 6.06
- metis 5.1.0
- parmetis 4.0.3a
- hypre 2.10.0b
- superlu 5.2.1
- superlu_dist 5.1.3
- petsc 3.7.5 xsdk-0.2.0
- trilinos 12.10.1
- pflotran xsdk-0.2.0
- alquimia 1.0.4
- crunchtope 160915-c31ecb9