Vue directive to detect HTML resize events based on CSS Element Queries with deboucing and throttling capacity.
Use this option when you need to receive all the resize events.
<div v-resize="onResize">
Use throttle when you need to rate-limit resize events frequency.
- With default timeout (150 ms):
<div v-resize:throttle="onResize">
- With custom timeout (in ms):
<div v-resize:throttle.100="onResize">
Use debounce when you only need to be notified when resize events ends.
- With default timeout (150 ms):
<div v-resize:debounce="onResize">
- With custom timeout (in ms):
<div v-resize:debounce.50="onResize">
- Available through npm:
npm install vue-resize-directive --save
- For Modules
// ES6
import resize from 'vue-resize-directive'
export default {
directives: {
// ES5
var resize = require('vue-resize-directive')
Just include
from css-element-queries andlodash.js