-admin with pw: admin
-user with pw: user
Change directory to SmartEP
execute command "docker-compose up" to start all necessary services or
execute "docker-compose up --build" to create clean services after they were used
open browser with url: localhost:4000 and use the app
The compiled files of the webpage (e.g from <ProjectName>/dist/<ProjectName>/*)
must be copied into the folder "webserver/page"
For use without docker change the host of
the webserver/ormconfig.json to your hostname (e.g. localhost)
To create the necessary DB tables use the database/setup.sql
- change the directory to ./webserver/ and run "npm install" (only needed once)
run "npm start" or "npm run start-dev" for nodemon
- change the directory to ./frontend/ and run "npm install" (only needed once)
run "ng build --watch"
(angular cli must be installd global)
(install angular cli global with "npm i -g @angular/cli")
- Use: root
- Pw: smarteppw
- Database: smartep