This is a nodejs app that detects who has unfollowed you.
After cloning the app install the dependencies.
Using npm
npm install
Using yarn
Replace the 'IG-followers.csv' and 'IG-following.csv' files with your instagram data.
var oldFollowingStream = fs.createReadStream("./data/old/IG-following.csv");
var oldFollowersStream = fs.createReadStream("./data/old/IG-followers.csv");
var newFollowingStream = fs.createReadStream("./data/new/IG-following.csv");
var newFollowersStream = fs.createReadStream("./data/new/IG-followers.csv");
When you first run the app there's no old followers data to test on so add your followers and following csv files to both old and new folders.
Whenever you notice that your unfollowers number decreases update the two files inside the 'new' folder with the new csv files, consider naming the new files to 'IG-following.csv' and 'IG-followers.csv' to work.
Then run in terminal using
npm start
yarn start