A simple multi chat-room, where participants can request stock values through the chat command /stock=appl.us
where appl.us
is the stock ticker.
The arquitecture consists on 4 docker containers running with the following services:
- The chat.
- A simple bot that listens to a queue, hits an API to get the stock value and return it through the other queue.
- RabbitMQ to support the two queues that provides communication between the services.
- PostgreSQL for user management.
docker compose down -v --rmi all
docker compose up
POST localhost:8080/users
"username": "a username",
"password": "a password"
POST localhost:8080/login
"username": "a username",
"password": "a password"
Get the access token from the response and use it in the Authorization header like Bearer <accessToken>
POST localhost:8080/rooms
"title": "a title"
Get the roomId from the response and use it as a query param to join a room
GET ws://localhost:8080/ws?roomId=307027e6-6768-4e2d-a9c2-3ff8bf5dcc0e
In the payload you send messages with:
"msg": "Hello World!"
To trigger the bot to fetch a stock value, you send a message like:
"msg": "/stock=appl.us"