This package provides you with a simple webhook provider that allows you to create multiple webhooks urls dynamically and observe activities on webhook based on path in real time.
$ npm install
$ npm start
You should be able to see your webhook at http://localhost:3000/ now. Please see the next step to expose it.
You would need to expose it before you use it for any I/O integrations. Two easy ways to do it: you can either host it on Heroku or expose your localhost with ngrok.
$ cd webhooks-provider
$ heroku login
$ heroku create
$ git push heroku master
$ heroku open
Now you can open it at the designated address that Heroku assigned you.
$ ngrok http 3000
In your command line, you will see a string that looks like this --> Go to that address and you can see your localhost exposed to the web.
- Establish connection using the following steps:
Add the webhook you created (yourwebhookaddress/webhook/webhookname, e.g. If you used ngrok and typed in "hello" for a new webhook, your address would be to your I/O Events Integration on I/O Console.
You should be able to see a GET on your webhook immediately, which is the challenge sent by Event Gateway
Trigger an event from your Adobe service that you subscribed to and see your event updates posted here