Gogh theme integration has been merged into hugo-theme-shell.
See the hugo-theme-shell repository for details.
goph-to-stylesheet supports conversion from gogh to any file format.
goph-to-stylesheet [-t gogh_theme] [-i input_file] [-o output_file]
-t --theme
- Enter the name of the Gogh theme
- You can find the Gogh theme here
-i --input
- Enter the template file
- Colors can be set in the template file using
[[ COLOR ]]
can be any of the following colors defined in Goghblack
- The specified color will be replaced by the HEX color code defined in Gogh
- See template/shell.scss for details
-o --output
- Enter the output file
- Not only style sheets(.css, .scss), but also text files can be specified.
If you want to use the "3024Day" theme in Gogh with Yukuro/hugo-theme-shell
goph-to-stylesheet -t 3024Day -i template/shell.scss -o goph.scss