# Yort.Trashy
Yort.Trashy is .Net library for implementing the disposable pattern correctly and in a thread-safe manner, as well was working with disposable types.
- .Net Standard 1.3 (no stack trace capture available)
- Xamarin.iOS
- Xamarin.Android
- Net 4.0+
- Implement the dispose pattern correctly, including "thread-safety" and "idempotency".
- Via inheritance (easiest).
- Via composition (more work, allows other base classes).
- Implement the IIsDisposable interface for components that want to expose their disposed status.
- Dispose objects easily with TryDispose, i.e ignore nulls, avoid manually casting to IDisposable, optionally suppress errors during disposal.
- Dispose collections of items with TryDispose.
- Dispose multiple objects with DisposeAll.
- Inherit from and use ReferenceCountedDisposableBase to prevent being disposed too early.
- Track and log disposable object instances, including those that are not properly (explicitly) disposed.
Check out the wiki for more.