is a collection of puppet functions and facts for network related work.
These functions and facts are very handy when using puppet to do complex logic on code that deals with configuring or interpreting network interfaces.
Most of them simply expose the native ruby implementations into the puppet manifest so you can use them to say, edit OpenStack config files, or manipulate DCHP server pools.
# Use macaddress_rand instead of FQDNs because we have lots of VMs with
# the same hostname
cron::d { 'puppet_agent':
ensure => $ensure,
minute => macaddress_rand(60),
user => 'root',
command => 'puppet agent -t >/dev/null 2>&1',
# Have the puppet server query DNS to get the current round-robin A records
$web_server_ips_array = gethostbyname2array("")
# Reverse Lookup your ip to a name:
$my_name = gethostbyaddr2array($::ipaddress)
notify { "My reverse dns seems to be: ${my_name}": }
Converts an CIDR address of the form into its broadcast address
Converts an CIDR address of the form into its netmask address
Converts an CIDR address of the form into its network address
Converts an CIDR address of the form into a range of IP addresses, excluding the network and broadcast addresses.
Generate MAC addresses based on the results of fqdn_rand. Useful for VMs that might have the same hostname.
Resolve an IP address into one or more names. (Looks up reverse DNS PTRs)
Resolve a name into one or more IP addresses.
Converts an IP in its 32 bit integer representation to a dotted address of the form
Checks if an ip address is contained within a CIDR address of the form
Converts a dotted address of the form into its 32 bit integer representation
Converts a MAC address of the form 52:54:00:12:09:f3 into its EUI64 representation of the form 5054:00ff:fe12:09f3
Converts a netmask of the form to the mask length (e.g. 16)
Puppet functions are server-side, facts are client side. Keep this in mind as any DNS related functions will take place on the server.