Datapack Tools is an executable(.exe) program being developed by me (WingedSeal) in python to help make datapackers' life easier by assisting them in the process of making datapack. It can be useful for both beginner and advance datapack developer.
All released versions are in the release folder.
- Move the application into your datapack's directory.
├── data/
│ ├── minecraft/
│ └── <subfolder>
├── pack.mcmeta
└── Datapack Tools.exe
- Run the program
- If there's no datapack(data folder, pack.mcmeta) in the directory, the program will ask to generate one for you.
- If there's a datapack in the directory, the program will let you choose the namespace you want.
- Click on one of the features and choose the subfolder then input the necessary information.
- Generate new datapack
- Generate Custom floor crafting
- Generate Custom crafting table recipe
- Generate Melee Raycast
- Generate Melee look_at
I still have no idea how to use git and github. So... GL