This template is meant to serve as a foundation for every P2/P3 following the React-Express-MySQL stack, as learned in Wild Code School. It's pre-configured with a set of tools which'll help students produce industry-quality and easier-to-maintain code, while staying a pedagogical tool.
Be sure to run these commands in a git terminal to avoid issues with newline formats:
git config --global core.eol lf
git config --global core.autocrlf false
- In VSCode, install plugins Prettier - Code formatter and ESLint and configure them
- Clone this repo, enter it
- If you are using
, adapt theconfig/cli
- Run command
npm install
(or equivalent usingyarn
) - Create environment files (
) in bothbackend
: you can copy.env.sample
files as starters (don't delete them)
- To ensure compatibility and prevent conflicts, please consistently employ a single package manager:
, orpnpm
: Run the database migration scriptdb:seed
: Run the database seed scriptdev
: Starts both servers (frontend + backend) in one terminaldev-front
: Starts the React frontend serverdev-back
: Starts the Express backend serverlint
: Runs validation tools (will be executed on every commit, and refuse unclean code)
- Concurrently : Allows for several commands to run concurrently in the same CLI
- Husky : Allows to execute specific commands that trigger on git events
- Vite : Alternative to Create-React-App, packaging less tools for a more fluid experience
- ESLint : "Quality of code" tool, ensures chosen rules will be enforced
- Prettier : "Quality of code" tool as well, focuses on the styleguide
- _ Airbnb Standard_ : One of the most known "standards", even though it's not officially linked to ES/JS
The backend subdomain will be automatically created with the suffix -backend. The global variable VITE_BACKEND_URL will be automatically created and pre-filled on the basis of this information.
Use this same tab to add the other environment variables required for the project if any.
Appellations {
.jsx = PascalCase .css = camelCase
1 dossier = HomePage.jsx homePage.css }
Structure HTML {
Rappel avant de coder quoique ce soit sur VSC, basculer sur la branche et faire un git pull, une fois terminé, basculer sur une nouvelle branche et on peut coder.
git commit -m “ “
commit détaillé en anglais qui commence toujours par un verbe
git push
toujours sur sa propre branche : origin nom-de -sa-branche
pull request
toujours sur dev commentaire récapitulatif en anglais git pull Une fois la merge terminé,toujours effectuer le git pull sur la dev
git checkout -b
Créer ensuite une nouvelle branche, basculer dessus et continuer à travailler.
Document CSS commun pour élément commun
usage de variables pour les couleurs et les fonts
Pense Bête :
Front END :
- Css : Faire des noms de classes explicites selon le modèle : className = main-title-header; en aucun cas faire un css sur des balises non classées ou identifiées, ex : p {
} --> Interdit
- Pour un component : Le coder en React, faire son css associé Smartphone ET Responsive.
- On n'installe pas de library sans informer le groupe et sans son aval.