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Grunt Transifex WordPress

A set of grunt tasks to integrate i18n tools and Transifex to your WordPress plugin/theme Grunt workflow.

  • Creates pot

  • Creates pot and pushes it to Transifex

  • Pulls translations from Transifex and creates the .mo files

  • Extras: Builds a zip folder of all your files - ready to use


Getting started

If you haven't used Grunt before, check out Chris Coyier's post on getting started with Grunt.

And for more WP-Grunt tools check out Devin Price's post Using Grunt with WordPress Themes.

Clone this repo, cd to the directory, run npm install to install the necessary packages.

git clone
cd grunt-transifex-wordpress
npm install

Setup & Configuration


TX configuration

Make sure you have a ~/.transifexrc. It is unique per user and stores the hostname, username and password for every Transifex server that you are using. It is stored in the user's home directory.

username = user
token =
password = p@ssw0rd
hostname =

More info about setting up your Transifex client

TX client config file

In .tx->config replace the project_slug and the pot_slug by your own Transifex project data.

Creates pot

In your Gruntfile.js, replace in the section named makepot the data below:

makepot: {
	target: {
		options: {
			mainFile: 'foo.php', // Main project file.
			potFilename: 'foo.pot', // Name of the POT file.
			type: 'wp-plugin', // Type of project (wp-plugin or wp-theme).
			updateTimestamp: true, // Whether the POT-Creation-Date should be updated without other changes.
			updatePoFiles: false // Whether to update PO files in the same directory as the POT file.


In your Gruntfile.js, replace in the section named checktextdomain the text_domain option:

checktextdomain: {
				text_domain: 'foo',  //Name of Your textdomain

Creates pot and pushes it to Transifex

In your Gruntfile.js, replace in the section named exec the -- minimum percentage value if needed:

exec: {
	txpull: { // Pull Transifex translation - grunt exec:txpull
		cmd: 'tx pull -a --minimum-perc=100' // Change the percentage with --minimum-perc=yourvalue

That's it you're ready to Grunt it now with those commands!

How it works

Creates pot

grunt makepot

Check textdomain and makepot

grunt go-pot

Creates pot and pushes it to Transifex

grunt tx-push

Pulls translations from Transifex and creates the .mo files

grunt tx-pull

Extras: Builds a zip folder of all your files - ready to use

grunt build

Thanks to:

grunt-wp-i18n by Brady Vercher to generate the .pot files.

grunt-potomo by AxisThemes to generate automatically the .mo files.

transifex client the client command tool and much more ...

All the Grunt Crew & @grappler, the i18n Petit-Suisse expert ;)


A Grunt workflow for integrating Transifex in your WordPress projects






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