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Olga Naumenko edited this page May 17, 2023 · 1 revision


Here we describe how stubs are generated and what they are needed for.


Stub is a function which emulates behavior of another function it is written for. It's often useful to write stubs for functions from another module that you don't want to test.

When stubs are used

UTBot generates stubs for every function in the project first time you open it and synchronize each time before test generation.

First time you open the project you will see UTBot is generating stubs for project... message. It means that for each file in your project UTBot generates file which contains all non-static functions signatures from the source file. Stubs can be used as substitutes for calling functions from another module. Consider the following project structure:

|---- lib1.a
|     |---- A.c
|     +---- B.c
|---- lib2.a
|     |---- C.c

If we run test generation for C.c, all functions from lib1.a will be replaced with their stubs on build step. So, if the function foo from C.c calls the function bar from A.c, then stub for the function bar will be invoked instead. Note that you can still generate tests using the exact definition of bar; for that, you will need to unmark Use Stubs checkbox in settings.

Stub file example

Stub files can be found in tests/stubs folder. This is an example of stub file generated for c-example/lib/dependent_functions.c from the example project:

// 1624618650000000000
// Please, do not change the line above

extern void klee_make_symbolic(void *addr, unsigned long long nbytes, const char *name);

NULL ((void*)0)

int double_max_symbolic;
int double_max(int a, int b) {
static int firstTimeCall = 1;
if (firstTimeCall == 1) {
firstTimeCall = 0;
klee_make_symbolic(&double_max_symbolic, sizeof(double_max_symbolic), "double_max_symbolic");
return double_max_symbolic;

The first line contains timestamp of stub file creation. It is required for synchronization with the source code, so, please, do not modify this line:

// 1619438023000000000

Then, if a KLEE_MODE macro is passed during preprocessing, we add a KLEE declaration to allow us to use symbolic return value. KLEE_MODE serves for both test generation and test running purposes.

#ifdef KLEE_MODE
extern void klee_make_symbolic(void *addr, unsigned long long nbytes, const char *name);

This variable stores return value of the stub function:

int double_max_symbolic;

Stub function signature is always the same as the signature of the source function. If it's not (for example, if the function was modified), then UTBot will synchronize them by rewriting stub function with the new one:

int double_max(int a, int b)

If UTBot uses stubs, then KLEE_MODE is defined, and the return value is made symbolic. This way KLEE can decide what values to return to satisfy the execution paths:

static int firstTimeCall = 1;
#ifdef KLEE_MODE
    if (firstTimeCall == 1) {
        firstTimeCall = 0;
        klee_make_symbolic(&double_max_symbolic, sizeof(double_max_symbolic), "double_max_symbolic");

Stub headers

For each stub, a header is generated. It contains definitions of types and structures used in function headers, allowing stubs to be compilable. Stub headers may contain definitions fetched from system headers and may look obscure, but usually you will not modify them.


You can change the stub function body however you want. UTBot saves custom code inside the function while synchronizing. However, if the source function signature changes, then stub function will be completely rewritten.

Tests with stubs

For the tests that use stubs, the return values are generated in a such way that the code coverage is maximized. For example:

extern "C" char pointerToPointer_symbolic;

TEST(regression, calc_two_numbers_f_test_1)
    // Initialize symbolic stubs
    pointerToPointer_symbolic = '\x10';

    // Construct input
    char a = 'c';
    char b = 'p';

    // Expected output
    int expected = 2;

    // Trigger the function
    int actual = calc_two_numbers_f(a, b);

    // Check results
    EXPECT_EQ(expected, actual);

TEST(regression, calc_two_numbers_f_test_2)
    // Initialize symbolic stubs
    pointerToPointer_symbolic = 'b';

    // Construct input
    char a = 'c';
    char b = 'b';

    // Expected output
    int expected = 1;

    // Trigger the function
    int actual = calc_two_numbers_f(a, b);

    // Check results
    EXPECT_EQ(expected, actual);

Here pointerToPointer_symbolic stores return value for pointerToPointer stub function.

Modifying stubs

As it was noted, it is easy to rewrite UTBot stubs into anything you want them to be. You should modify only function bodies and not touch header include, or KLEE_MODE ifdefs. Consider the simplest example:

// 1624618650000000000
// Please, do not change the line above

extern void klee_make_symbolic(void *addr, unsigned long long nbytes, const char *name);

NULL ((void*)0)

int double_max_symbolic;
int double_max(int a, int b) {
return a;

In such a case, UTBot will generate tests for functions from other CMake modules implying that double_max(int a, int b) = a.

However, you can also use symbolic variable power when modifying stubs. Suppose that you want your function not to return any value, but perform some checks on the arguments prior to that. Also, there may be a special case in that function that is highly important to be reflected in the stub. In that case, you can insert those checks in the stub, and, if they succeed, return a symbolic value:

// 1624618650000000000
// Please, do not change the line above

extern void klee_make_symbolic(void *addr, unsigned long long nbytes, const char *name);

NULL ((void*)0)

int double_max_symbolic;
int double_max(int a, int b) {
if (a == 100 && a > b) {
return 100;
static int firstTimeCall = 1;
if (firstTimeCall == 1) {
firstTimeCall = 0;
klee_make_symbolic(&double_max_symbolic, sizeof(double_max_symbolic), "double_max_symbolic");
return double_max_symbolic;

By this change, double_max(a, b) will preserve its behaviour if a certain condition holds. This principle can be used to achieve the similarity of the stub and the original code while leaving out big parts of code.

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