task management application where users can perform CRUD operations on tasks.
CRUD Operations:
Create, read, update, and delete tasks.
Each task have a title, description, and status (e.g., "To Do," "In Progress," "Completed").
Web Hooks:
Implement a Web Hook system that triggers notifications when a task is created and admin or manager can further notify the user about that task.
Notifications are sent via email.
Use HTML and Bootstrap 5 to create a simple and intuitive task management interface.
ACL (Access Control List):
Implement ACL to control access to certain tasks based on user roles.
Defined roles such as "Admin," "Manager," and "User."
Assigned permissions to roles (e.g., Admin can perform all actions, Manager can edit tasks, User can only view
User Authentication and Authorization:
Integrated Laravel Auth UI for user authentication.
Implemented middleware to check user permissions before allowing access to certain routes.
Include a feature that allows users to provide feedback on tasks.
Implementation Guidelines:
Used Laravel's Eloquent ORM for interacting with the database.
Designed a database schema to store task information.
Defined routes for CRUD operations.
Created separate controllers for handling task-related actions.
Used Blade templates for rendering views.
Implemented event listeners and events for Web Hooks.
Implemented middleware to check user permissions.
Enhanced UI to reflect user roles and permissions.
****Some Home Screens****
**User's home**
**Admin Home**
**Manager Home**