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Version 0.3.5

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@jfisher-usgs jfisher-usgs released this 27 Oct 23:00
· 731 commits to master since this release

inlmisc 0.3.5

  • In PlotMap function, fix bug introduced by previous fix of raster range calculation.

  • Made AddCertificate an 'internal' function.

  • Add argument checks using checkmate package.

inlmisc 0.3.4

  • In PlotMap function, fix bug in range calculation of raster values by removing finite = TRUE.

  • In PlotMap function, fix extent of background image, rivers, lakes, and roads using par("usr").

  • Add FindOptimalSubset function, used to identify an optimal subset using a genetic algorithm.

inlmisc 0.3.3

  • In AddPoints function: add option to scale symbol size to radius;
    revise calculation of symbol size and legend labels.

  • In PlotMap function, let r argument accept any object that can be converted to a RasterLayer class.

  • In LaTeX preamble: add verbatimbox package; add maketitle format.

  • In PlotMap function, add simplify argument, used to convert raster to polygons prior to plotting.

  • In Grid2Polygons function: allow grd argument to be an object of class SpatialPixelsDataFrame or Raster*; transform coordinate reference system (CRS) of ply argument to match the CRS of the grd argument; and add zlim argument, a limit on the attribute variable.

  • In ToScientific function, add arguments scipen, delimiter, and ...; and rename lab.type argument to type. Code in place for backwards compatibility.