My python scripts for OpenFOAM data post-processing.
sudo apt install python3 python3-pip cantera-python3
sudo pip3 install numpy
Here is a 'SCL' way to install python3 on CentOS 7.
sudo yum install centos-release-scl
sudo yum install rh-python36
# enable python3.6 environment in your shell
## For bash
scl enable rh-python36 bash
## For zsh
scl enable rh-python36 zsh
# install numpy
sudo pip install numpy
Install Cantera with Anaconda under CentOS
A python script to process lagrangian data and get droplets' diameter or velocity radial distributions.
This script has been merged to sprayCloud.
A python script to read the lagrangian droplets data and output them to a Tecplot format file. It can also do post-process like radial profiles of droplet diameter at different axial locations and SMD distribution alongside axial direction.
python3 [-parallel] [-latestTime] [-post] [-help]"
-parallel: process the parallel data
-latestTime: only process the latestTime solution
-post: post-process the droplet data
-help: print this message
This will read all parallel Lagrangian spray data and output them in Tecplot format. A folder name Tecplot
will be created to save these files.
python3 -parallel
This will only output the latestTimes's spray data in Tecplot format.
python3 -parallel -latestTime
This will post-process parallel Lagrangian spray data and get profiles. A postDict
should be given under postSpray
folder, like this example.
python3 -parallel -post
A python script to converte sprayCloud:rhoTrans__[liquidPhase] file (source term) into Tecplot readable OpenFOAM format(like T, U etc).
A new file named: rhoTrans__[liquidPhase] will be generated.
python3 -liquid <phaseName> [-latestTime] [-parallel] [-help]
-liquid : specific the liquid mixture name
-latestTime: only parse the latest solution
-parallel: parse the parallel data
-help: show this message
python3 -liquid C2H5OH -latestTime
Post-Processing sampled Lagrangian data from CloudFunction:ParticleStatistic
python3 [-help] [-process] [-pdf]
-process: Post-process sampled lagrangian data and get radial profiles
-pdf: Get droplete droplet size PDF and volume PDF for sampled planes
-help: Print this message
sudo pip3 install matplotlib
Plot Max Courant number.
python3 -log <log.file>
log.file is the OpenFOAM application output