ExpertEase is a web app driving progress towards UN SDG 4: Quality Education by connecting students with professionals for mentorship, sharing resources, and fostering discussions on academic and career development, aiming to solve global educational challenges.
class User {
- Int UserID
- String username
- String email
- String firstName
- String lastNAme
- Boolean Gender
- String password
- String DOB
- String ProfilePhoto
- String Role
- register()
- registerUsing()
- login()
- logout()
- followTopic()
- createTopic()
- createDiscussion()
- commentOnDiscussion()
class Seeker {
- bookMentorshipSlot()
- likeArticle()
- commentOnArticle()
class MentorshipSlot {
- int slotId
- String meetingLink
- Provider provider
- Seeker seeker
class Provider {
- createSlots()
- deleteSlots()
- createArticle()
- likeArticle()
- commentOnArticle()
class Category {
- int categoryID
- String categoryName
class Topic {
- int topicID
- int categoryID
- String topicName
class Discussion {
- int topicID
- String title
- String Content
- Int upvote
- Int DownVote
- String[] comments
- upvote()
- downvote()
- addComment()
class Article {
- int categoryId
- String title
- String content
- String[] attachments
- like()
- comment()
class Slot {
- int slotId
- int providerId
- Time startTime
- Time endTime
- addSlot()
- removeSlot()
User <|-- Seeker
User <|-- Provider
Category "1" *-- "0..n" Topic
Topic "1" *-- "0..n" Discussion
User "0..n" --> "1..n" Category
MentorshipSlot "1" -- "1" Provider
MentorshipSlot "1" -- "1" Seeker
Article "0..n" -- "1" Provider
Article "0..n" -- "1" Category
Provider "1"*-- "0..n" Slot
- Install Tailwind
- Create .env file in server with 3 keys
- PORT = (Server port)
- JWT_SECRET = 12321421429104
- MONGO_CONNECTION = mongodb+srv:// (Use the username and password for the Expertease dB access is shared)
- Run npm install in client directory
- npm run dev on client (Client server will be up)
- Run npm install in server directory
- node server.js (Backend Server will be up)