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SingulierPluriel LMS

About | Folder Structure | App Setup | Figma High-Fidelity Prototype | Authors


SingulierPluriel LMS is a learning management system for universities and adult education settings, designed to be accessible, intuitive, and easy to navigate. Main features include:

  • Share learning materials with your students by creating and editing course modules;
  • Graphical dashboards: the LMS allows you to always have crucial data like student attendance, student feedback, and grade distribution at your fingertips, in the form of graphics and visual representations.

Folder Structure


  • Attendance Distribution (course level)/
  • Example Flask Integration Attendance Feature (course level)/
  • Feedback Distribution (course level)/
  • FlaskStudentStatistics/
  • Grade Distribution (course level)/
  • NotebooksStudentStatistics/
  • Performance Prediction (ML)/
  • Student Feedback prediction (ML)/


  • 1.Research/
  • 2.Analysis/
  • 3.Prototype/
  • 4.User_Testing/
  • Blogpost_Images/


  • client/
    • public/
    • src/
  • screenshots/
  • server/
    • cloudinary/
    • controllers/
    • db/
    • routes/
    • seed/v3/

App Setup

Client - React App

Clone the repository

git clone

Navigate to client directory

cd app/client

Install dependencies

npm install
The 'npm install' installs all modules that are listed on package.json file and their dependencies.

Start the application

npm start
Runs the app in the development mode.
Open http://localhost:3000 to view it in your browser.

Credentials for login

You can log in with different roles (teacher/student) using the credentials:

Password is 'test'.



  • Visual Studio Code (or a similar editor)
  • node.js
  • MongoDB (for local DB usage)

Start server locally

  • Clone github repository: git clone;

  • From VSC, navigate to the 'server' folder (cd app/server) and run the command npm install to download the dependencies;

  • Create a .env file on the same level of the server.js file with the following fields:

    • SECRET=secret
    • DB_URL=mongodb://localhost:27017/singulier-pluriel [or ask Mongo Atlas server URL to BE techie]
    • CLOUDINARY_CLOUD_NAME=[ask creds to BE techie]
    • CLOUDINARY_KEY=[ask creds to BE techie]
    • CLOUDINARY_SECRET=[ask creds to BE techie]

    Please note that the Cloudinary credentials are needed to run the server locally, as there is no local file storage handler.

  • Run the server:

    • Navigate to the 'server' folder
    • Run command node server.js or nodemon server.js

Deployed server

The Express API was deployed online using Render. The version deployed includes all changes merged to 'main'. This is the API version that serves the client:

Figma High-Fidelity Prototype

Our high-fidelity prototype - complete with sections that are not yet available in the app - can be found here.


This project was created by:

  • User Experience: Giorgio Chiappa
  • Data Science: Leila Kulik
  • Data Science: Lucas Winterfeld
  • Wed Developer (FE): Magdalena Olkiewicz
  • Wed Developer (FE): Malalai Safi
  • Wed Developer (FE): Dewa Baedaar
  • Wed Developer (BE): Nicol Tincani

Mentor: Matheus Albuquerque