subdivision_select is a Rails plugin that extends the functionality of the country_select gem.
When you select a country, a select box for the states or provinces (i.e. subdivisions) is automatically populated for that country.
It loads them via AJAX, but this plugin doesn't require you to write any javascript.
This plugin is called subdivision_select but it could have been called state_selct or province_select
The terminology comes from ISO 3166-2.
The data is provided by the countries
<% form_for(@address) do |f| %>
<div class="field">
<%= f.label :country %>
<%= f.country_select :country %>
<div class="field">
<%= f.label :subdivision, "State / Province" %>
<%= f.subdivision_select :subdivision, %>
<%= f.submit %>
<% end %>
You can also use subdivision_select_tag
if using
This plugin makes no assumptions about what you call the subdivision select, so if you already named your column 'state' or 'province', you can use that instead.
this plugin assumes your country column is named country
and doesn't provide anyway to override that.
- Add the following to your
gem "subdivision_select"
- Add the following to your
mount SubdivisionSelect::Engine, at: 'subdivisions'
(the 'subdivisions' part is necessary, since that path is hardcoded in JS)
- Add the following to
(or whatever your JS digest file is called)
//= require subdivision_select
If you want to work on this gem, fork and clone the repo. We use RSpec and Capybara.
There is a 'dummy app' in spec/dummy
you can use for testing.
If you add a feature, please add a feature spec for it, using Capybara.
Please open a new Github Issue for any problems you have with the gem. Bugs reports and feature requests are always welcome, but I'm also willing to do tech support or take suggestions on ways you think the code quality can be improved.