The VSA_toolbox is a MATLAB implementation to develop and apply different kinds of VSA within one environment. It is also the source code to the paper [1].
[1] K. Schlegel, P. Neubert, and P. Protzel, “A comparison of vector symbolic architectures,” Artif. Intell. Rev., Dec. 2021.
- MATLAB shadedErrorBar function to plot the results (
Clone the folder to your workspace:
git clone
- [optional] MATLAB export_fig function to export the plots as pdf - if not installed, the script saves the plots as png (
- no specific installation is required
- start the scripts from the "VSA_toolbox" folder
- the script "demo.m" contains a demonstration of using the toolbox
- first, create an object with "vsa_env.m" and specify the architecture
- available architectures are: MAP-B, MAP-C, MAP-I, BSC, HRR, VTB, FHRR, BSDC, BSDC-S, BSDC-SEG, MBAT (see paper for explanation)
- methods of such an VSA environment object are the operations, like bundling, binding, unbinding and similarity measurement
- the folder "+operation" contains the implementations of the operators for each VSA
- start the experiment main script:
- it contains subscripts for bundle capacity, binding pairs capacity, repetitive binding/unbinding and language recognition (place recognition will be published as soon as possible)
- default parameters are used in the paper
- after execution, a folder named "experimental_results" is created in the main folder with a sub-folder "plots", which contains the plotted curves
- the folder "experimental_results" contains the original .mat files from the experiments in the paper
- to plot the figures, start the script "visualize_all.mat" with the default parameter setup:
This code is released under the GNU General Public License version 3.