This is a tutorial which shows how to use GenServers in Elixir to track unique ids.
Read the code thoroughly and interact with the GenServer through IEx to get a good idea of how it works.
Download the code and change into the correct directory.
git clone
cd GenServer-Tutorial
Start an interactive session with the following:
iex -S mix
Then run these commands.
alias GsTut.IDMaker
{:ok, port} = IDMaker.reserve("/logs/active-portside-only/")
If using this code in a project, use a case
statement to
handle the possibility of an error.
alias GsTut.IDMaker
case IDMaker.reserve("/logs/active-portside-only/") do
{:ok, id} ->
IO.puts("reserved id #{id}")
case do
:ok -> IO.puts("id #{id} has been freed")
{:error, :id_not_found} -> IO.puts("#{id} does not exist to free")
{:error, :no_unused_ids} ->
IO.puts("Could not reserve an id, all ids are already reserved")
See lib/gs_tut/id_maker.ex
is a simple GenServer which has a map as state. This
map has integer keys and arbitrary values.
Because IDMaker
has assigned it's name as __MODULE__
The global instance of IDMaker
can be referenced by
from anywhere if it is running.
When you call reserve
it will store the provided metadata as
the value of a random unused key, the key is returned to the
caller. If there is no unused keys it will return an error.
When you call free
it will remove the metadata associated
the key. This function either returns :ok
which tells the
user that the function was successful or and error is returned
if the specified key is not already in use.
See lib/gs_tut/application.ex
{GsTut.IDMaker, %{first: 6000, last: 7000}}
IDMaker is added to the application tree. This means that when
the GsTut
application is started the GenServer will be started