- SteavenLinux/SteavenFFMPEG - SteavenLinux FFMPEG Helper Script
- SteavenLinux/SteavenRepo - SteavenRepo
- SteavenLinux/PKGBUILDS - Arch Linux PKGBUILDs
- SteavenGamerYT/dot-files - Dotfiles are the customization files (their filenames usually begin with a period) that are used to personalize your linux or other Unix-based system. This repository contains my personal dotfiles. They are stored here for convenience so that I may
- SteavenLinux/SteavenInstaller - SteavenInstaller
- SteavenGamerYT/unity-project-2d -
- SteavenGamerYT/Cuphead-decomp - Cuphead Decompilation
- SteavenGamerYT/ArchLinuxRepo - Best Linux repo for Omar Packages
- SteavenGamerYT/GuildedCreator - Email Verified Guilded Account Creator
- SteavenGamerYT/SteavenNIX - NIX OS THO!
- PLEASE USE Darwin on Chaosminecraft/Text-converter
- PLEASE USE Darwin on Chaosminecraft/Text-converter
- 550.107.02 --> 550.120 on Frogging-Family/nvidia-all
- pkg for fedora fixs on flightlessmango/MangoHud
- 550.100 to 550.107.02 on Frogging-Family/nvidia-all
- joeknock90/Single-GPU-Passthrough -
- Novattz/creamlinux-installer - DLC Fetcher and installer for linux
- anticitizn/creamlinux - CreamAPI-like DLC unlocker for Linux
- topgrade-rs/topgrade - Upgrade all the things
- obsproject/obs-studio - OBS Studio - Free and open source software for live streaming and screen recording
- The Importance of Setting Shader Cache Paths for Non-Steam Games
- How to Combine Audio Sources
- How to Fix Cracking Audio on linux
- How to Set Super key to Ulancher on gnome
- Restarting KDE
- Website : https://boisterous-toffee-60cc83.netlify.app
- Discord : https://discord.gg/x3VgsCtrDk
- Youtube : https://youtube.com/SteavenGamerYT1
- Twitch : https://twitch.tv/steavengameryt1
- TikTok : https://tiktok.com/@steavengameryt1
- Twitter : https://twitter.com/omarhanykasban1